America Is Israel

The Reason The UNITED STATES Follows Israel Into Destruction, But It Must Be Noted America Is Not The UNITED STATES.

Joey Thompson
16 min readAug 3, 2024

An immediate disclaimer… This article will stand outside of the established firewall accepted by our society today. The answers to the obvious question which any critical thinking observer is now asking concerning the entitled events occurring on the world stage, must be acknowledged by ignoring the political correctness incorporated by The Powers That Be. Any information disseminated within the smoke screen of the mainstream ideology, bows to the lord of the earth and will be void of the pure truth required to get to the root of the problem.

Deception holds no weight for The Enemy’s agenda unless the truth has a history of reproduced counterfeits down through the ages. When identities are hijacked, lines are blurred and eventually error is accepted as established facts. Nothing typifies this statement quite like what the Jews have done in the geopolitical world beginning in ancient history, then into the common era and even until today, front and center on the world stage.

Allow me to cut to the shocking truth, right off the bat. If what I am about to say falls strangely upon your ears, wait until you weigh the evidence before casting the stones.

Simply put… The Jews are Esau/Edom.

Put another way… The Jews are not Israel… The Jews have nothing whatsoever to do with Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel. Other than hijacking the name, religion and race of his twin brother, Jacob’s brother has worked to return the favor of grabbing Jacob’s heel for almost four thousand years, finally accomplishing the task in 1871, with the establishment of The UNITED STATES, which again is not America.

The above statement is loaded with facts that must be explained which answer many of the musings one has that thinks critically concerning what we see occurring not only in the middle east and around the world but more importantly right here in America. Really crazy stuff is occurring which defies logic, but trust me, there is a good reason why.

Allow for another disclaimer before moving on. What I am conveying is not a hatred for any individual race of people or any persons within the religion of Judaism. It is an outright hatred for the organization of Judaism which has morphed out of the agenda and narrative of the ancient people called Edomites, hailing from the sideline of Jacob’s brother Esau.

There are two terms that I will be using throughout this article. They are defined as:

Judaism — The source of all religious confusion.

Zionism — The source of all political confusion.

Both of these entities hail from the ancient concept and plan of Esau to make right two offenses of Jacob, against his brother Esau. A four thousand year story of revenge on the highest order. The detail of this story is told in chapter 24 of my book called “The Book Of The Covenant, A Witness Against America”.

Now, allow me to add another concept which must be applied in order that you might have a better understanding just how deep the deceptions go.

The Almighty works and teaches in Typology.

The Enemy works and manifest within Counterfeits.

Typology takes on many shapes. Historical types, prophetic types, physical and spiritual types, geographical types, and even racial typologies are avenues to which The Almighty’s word is laid out in the pages of The Bible. Yeshua spoke in parables, which is another level of typology. Paul used many levels of allegory, another level of typology… And the Major and Minor Prophets of The Bible are loaded with various uses of typology, literally veiling the truth to those void of eyes to see and ears to hear.

Counterfeits also take on various configurations. A counterfeit is an image or likeness so real that it can actually pass the wool over those dumbed down enough to believe and actually teach it as the real thing. It is the ultimate form of idolatry spoken of in scripture. The Enemy has worked for six millennia to have the nations, worldwide, accept long since established counterfeits which have hijacked the various aspects of what The Almighty has solidified as truth. Just in case you’re really not paying attention to what I am saying… This narrative formed by The Enemy is the big lie Paul speaks of in his second epistle to the Assembly of Believers at Thessalonica.

“The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe THE LIE, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” 2 Thessalonians 2:9–12

The perpetrators of The Big Lie are identified via a double witness within two of the seven letters to the seven churches of Asia found in the opening narrative of The Book of Revelation.

“And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: ‘The words of the first and the last, who died and came to life. “‘I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.” Revelation 2:8–9


“‘I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan WHO SAY THEY ARE JEWS and are not, BUT LIE— behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you. Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth.” Revelation 3:8–10

The tie between The Big Lie and those who pretend to be Jews and are not, those who have hijacked the name and identity and even the religion of The House of Judah to pervert it away from the truth, can not be overstated. Our Savior further made this connection in an exchange between Yeshua and the leaders of Judaism, recorded by John.

In this shocking conversation between Our Savior and the human representatives of The Enemy himself, Yeshua very clearly identifies the race of men that were at the time carrying on the religion established in Babylon over five hundred years prior to. So, allow me to walk you through the highlights of this conversation as I convey what race Yeshua is dealing with. Already well into the hotly contested debate between the two sides, we read this:

“So he (Yeshua) said to them again, “I am going away, and you will seek me, and you will die in your sin. Where I am going, you cannot come.” So THE JEWS said, “Will he kill himself, since he says, ‘Where I am going, you cannot come’?” John 8:22

Very clearly, John identifies the persons in conversation with Yeshua as Jews. Earlier, these same people are called Pharisees, the policemen of the religion of Judaism at the time.

The conversation continues:

So Yeshua said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” They answered him, “We are offspring of Abraham and have never been enslaved to anyone. How is it that you say, ‘You will become free’?” John 8:31–33

Now, please stop and lean back in your chair for a moment and think… These Jews know who they are. They know they hail from Abraham’s body. They also know, they have never been enslaved in their history since the time of Abraham. Question… How many times was the nation of Israel enslaved in the pages of The Bible? Let me count the ways…

1 — To Egypt

2 — To the Philistines

3 — To Assyria

4 — To Babylon

5 — To Persia

6 — To Greece

7 — And even at the very moment these words came out of their mouth, The House of Judah was literally enslaved by Rome.

… But these arrogant chameleons know unequivocally, they had never been enslaved nor were they, at that very point in history, enslaved by Rome. How can this be?, You ask.

Well, there are two facts that make their statement to Yeshua correct assertions.

1 — The only nation or race of people mentioned in scripture that have never been slaves in their history is The House of Esau/Edom, descendants of Jacob/Israel’s twin brother. That is a 100% established fact. The reason they have never fallen into captivity is because Esau has always joined with the world ruling empire at the time, changing their colors like the chameleons they are… Cowards to boot. Just like Democrat politicians who suddenly have a southern accent when they are seeking the red neck vote right before any given election, so too has Esau worked the divination of double minded witchcraft to all of the well known world ruling empires down through the ages, avoiding the suppression of subjection.

2 — A careful study of scripture and history will show, the geopolitical King of The Jews at the time of Christ’ manifestation into the flesh before His birth and long after His death was the family called by their surname of Herod. Both Herod the Great and Herod the lesser son, were direct bloodline descendants of Jacob’s brother Esau.

What conveniently escapes the minds of many so called Biblical scholars and/or historical evangelist is the fact that the war during the Maccabean period between the two testaments of The Canonized Bible was between The House of Judah and the prodigy of their uncle Esau. The prize of this battle was control of The Levitical Priesthood which would be reborn within the temple that Herod spent 46 years building.

The war was long and bloody but at the end of the day, Esau had finally hijacked the Priesthood propelling Herod to glorify his new found position of geopolitical fame to build the third temple in the first place. By the time Christ came onto the scene, the religion of the day was Babylonian, Talmudic Judaism, learned by Edomites while in allegiance to Babylon five hundred years prior to.

Christ continues to back up what I am laying down.

“Yeshua” answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin. The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. I KNOW YOU ARE THE OFFSPRING OF ABRAHAM; yet you seek to kill me because my word finds no place in you. I speak of what I have seen with my Father, and you do what you have heard from YOUR FATHER.” John 8:34–38

Suddenly, there is a recognizable distinction between who fathered Yeshua, and by extension all of the house of Israel, Isaac, Abraham and the forefathers all the way back to Adam (See Luke 3:38) and the father of the persons to which Yeshua is speaking with. Now, think critically about what you will read next. Whether you take Yeshua’s words in the physical realm, as in identifying the literal bloodline father of these men or not, you have to apply the spiritual aspect of the father that Yeshua is speaking of via these words.

“YOU ARE OF YOUR FATHER, THE DEVIL, and your will is to do the desires of your father (his narrative). He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44

Question… Who was a murderer from the beginning? Was it not Cain? Who told the first lie in scripture? Was it not The entity translated as The Serpent, aka Satan The Devil? I know, you are asking how can this be? Isaac was the father of both Jacob and Esau. How does Cain and/or Satan get involved in the family lineage.

I’ll very quickly answer your question void of the evidence for the sake of time. You can research the statement that I am about to convey another day or let me know directly and I’ll fill in all the evidence accordingly.

The Almighty informs us, the tribal or family identification comes through the father, not the mother.

“Moses and Aaron took these men who had been named, and on the first day of the second month, they assembled the whole congregation together, who registered themselves by clans, BY THE FATHER’S HOUSES, according to the number of names from twenty years old and upward, head by head, as The Almighty commanded Moses. So he listed them in the wilderness of Sinai.” Numbers 1:17–19

This principle applies to all that hails from Adam. So that you will know, another subject that demands further study, the seed line of Cain is that of a Demi-god status, not fully human. I challenge you to look into Adam’s genealogy and find me Cain’s name. It’s not in Genesis chapter 5 or in the Chronicles of Adam penned by Ezra the scribe. Cain is simply not the first born of Adam. Again, a subject that must be addressed at another time.

So, here is the kicker. How is the tribal or family identification carried within a Demi-god tree? It is determined through the mother, not the father… Exactly opposite of the constructs of The Almighty’s criteria. Go figure.

Esau married into the line of Cain, the daughters of Heth, a race mixed line of Cain.

This geo-political alliance with ancient Rome continued right into the Byzantine Empire, as Judaism bore the two sisters of Islam and Zoroastrianism which found their homes within the confines of the Ottoman Empire. As Esau’s loyalty to the flavor of the month continued right up into the founding of the New World in America in the 17th century, 1619 to be exact, there was an even larger prize rising on the horizon.

While the two legs of Judaism, wilding it power in new political ways, it’s main construct was still working powerfully within what history calls The Holy Roman Empire located in Central Europe. Lording over the Germanic and Britannia tribes of the migrating lost sheep of The House of Israel, who are now trapped in the confines of the futile system, The Hapsburg Dynasty is perfecting the art of true slavery… Debt.

By the down turn of the Ottoman Empire and the rise of the New World, The Edomite Hapsburgs had their eyes set on taking over the Dynasty of Great Britain. After the American Revolution, that task was a piece of cake as the Hapsburgs continued to learn and perfect new ways to enslave entire nations in very short order. The combination of war and the high interest loans to not only pave the recovery from those wars, resulted in the same old tried and true trick of Edom… The hijacking of a nation via unrecoverable debt. If the nation could not pay, that nation becomes subservient to brother Esau.

Thus those who were confronted concerning their expertness on slavery recorded by John, being taught a lesson by Yeshua The Messiah, had by this time, put into practice what they had learned executing their masterful art with high precision.

In the early part of the 19th century, the modern day Hapsburgs had taken control of Great Britain, making London England their new headquarters. The Royal family fell subservient to a select few families hailing from the revised Holy Roman Empire. The power of the Hapsburg Dynasty now had a new name… The Crown of London. Yet another example of hijacking the names and titles of The House of Israel.

The next agenda was to create a war in America and repeat the process of banking destitution upon the fallen empire that The Almighty Himself had established. The American Civil War was that well laid trap and the carpet baggers that followed, along with the newly established corporation called The UNITED STATES, began the 150 year conquest of what was to be the establishment of The Coming Kingdom of YHWH, here on this earth.

So, right about now, I’m sure your mind is flooded with several questions. So, let me list them with their quick answers to follow.

1 — Why would The Almighty establish America as His Kingdom, only to allow The Enemy to conquer it? Answer — Idolatry. By the early 19th century, Americans began to turn from YHWH’s Covenant Law bringing in all sorts of pagan observances. This is prophesied by The End Time Prophet Jeremiah, so clearly.

“I (YHWH) will take you, one from a city and two from a family,
and I will bring you to Zion (The regathering of all 13 tribes of Israel to America, via the Pilgrims and Puritans). “‘And I will give you shepherds after my own heart (men like George Whitefield, John Westley, and Jonathon Edwards), who will feed you (Our Founding Fathers) with knowledge and understanding. And when you have multiplied and been fruitful in the land, in those days, declares The Sovereign, they shall NO MORE say, “The ark of the covenant of The Sovereign.” It shall not come to mind or be remembered or missed; it shall not be made again.” Jeremiah 3:14–16

2 — Isn’t The UNITED STATES and America the same thing? Answer — Not no, but hell NO. Knowledge of this subject reveals yet another example of that which is right and true being hijacked by brother Esau. Here is a great mystery. Our nation, that freedom loving, righteous lending, patriots of America all very much love, simply doesn’t exist any more. Believe it or not, this story is told in the pages of The Bible over and over again. The clearest example I can convey to you is in Ezekiel 17, concerning the land and government of the two eagles. The first eagle (America) is over taken by the second eagle (The UNITED STATES), but as the story transpires, we see this second eagle headed by the King of resurrected Babylon fall to YHWH’s appointed King, the Royal Offspring, who himself commits treason against YHWH, showing YHWH’s divine providence and mercy, when all the composites of the puzzle are pieced together.

The point being, the narrative of Esau was and still is hell bent on the destruction of the descendants of Jacob/Israel and all the nations to which Jacob’s foot has tread upon, such as Germany, France, Denmark, Sweden, Canada, Great Britain and yes, America…. All these along with many others I could name are all Israelite nations, as ancient Israel migrated westward from their captivity from Assyria and Babylon.

“Every place that the sole of your (Israel) foot will tread upon I have given to you, just as I promised to Moses. From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites to the Great Sea (The Pacific Ocean) toward the going down of the sun (the man made date line) shall be your territory (Israel’s).” Joshua 1:4–5

Then comes the final leg of Esau’s conquest of Jacob/Israel. One to which Jacob himself lends a helping hand.

Beginning with The Balfour Declaration in 1917, plans to establish a Zionist State in the very home land that Jacob and Rebecca stole from Esau almost four thousand years prior… And in 1948, after much planning and outright displacement of the Palestinian people, a homeland was realized for the Zionist regime. Yet another hijacking event in the grand scheme of Esau/Edom. The temporary dwelling or tabernacle of Jacob/Israel under King David which had fallen many times over, down through the ages… Jerusalem was now re-established for a people having no ties whatsoever to the seed line hailing from Jacob… Just as the Bible prophesies. Consider carefully as once again, Esau is outrightly named as the owners of this one time holy, yet today cursed land called Jerusalem.

“In that day (The last days) I (YHWH) will raise up the booth (tabernacle) of David that is fallen and repair its breaches, and raise up its ruins and rebuild it as in the days of old, that they (Israel) may possess the remnant of Edom and all the nations who are called by my name (who have hijacked the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, just as the Jews did in Yeshua’s day),” declares The Sovereign who does this.” Amos 9:11–12 Emphasis and clarity added in parenthesis.

It was a combined effort by Great Britain and The UNITED STATES in the establishment of the Zionist State of Middle Eastern Israel in 1948, but make no mistake, it was the Zionist holding a gun to the head of the true House of Israel to create such a State… All of which was ordained by Almighty YHWH, and the fulfillment of His word.

In the following video, Greg Reece sheds light using the modern vernacular upon our topic.

So, here we stand, as the month of August 2024 opens, we have just witnessed Benjamin Netanyahu broker all the allegiance that America can muster in support of the Zionist Agenda, as Congress bowed once again to Esau… A process that began with Jacob/Israel bowing to His Brother after 14 years of running from Esau’s wrath, after Jacob stole his birth right and blessing. Again, the story is told in the above linked chapter 24 of my book.

There is so much more detail to this story as evidenced directly from scripture and history shows. What I have conveyed here within this article is just the highlights that literally make up the tip of the iceberg to the following facts.

1 — America is the intended promised land given to the regathered House of Israel, the physical seed line of Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham.

2 — Esau has his tentacles in just about every geopolitical aspect of modernity. Everything from Red Russia to The Roman Catholic Church, to the Federal Reserve and the Petro Dollar, to The Crown of London and The UNITED STATES.

3 — Esau is the King of The Admiralty Law system that controls the Deep State and is hell bent on the spiritual and physical destruction of his hated brother and his prodigy.

4 — Because of Israel’s idolatry and Covenant Law breaking (see Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28), The Almighty uses Esau to punish His people for their sins. This is what is happening right now before our very eyes. People just don’t get it when I say, “We have seen our Greatest Enemy, and it is YHWH, The Almighty”. Because of our sins, as a so called Judeo-Christian nation, the very One we claim to serve is actually on the team of The Enemy working to punish us until we turn back to Him. He has set up kings and torn down kings in the Enemy’s favor (The Democrat left) for our own destruction.

The story is clear, once you have eyes to see the naration being told in the pages of the Bible and in history. We bow to the Middle Eastern Zionist State, misnamed Israel (should be called Edom), because simply put, they own us and are our lords because of what Jacob and his mother Rebecca did almost four millennia ago.

I know you have questions, so please feel free to contact me via email and I’ll address each and every one of them one by one. Make no mistake I do have the answers to this issue because I can read YHWH’s word. That’s where the true answers are located.

Joey Thompson



Joey Thompson

An ordained Elder in the ministry of YHWH, commissioned to restore truth at this end time. You can contact me via email at: