Daniel’s 70 Weeks…..Nobody Caught This One.
With the following statement, YHWH’s six thousand year plan of allow His creation to attempt to futility prove it can govern itself comes to an end.
“Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy place.” Daniel 9:24
Let’s break this passage down….
1 — Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city… I’ll address the time factor in a moment. The “your people” and “your holy city” thing is huge. Your people is The people of Israel and your city is America. If you haven’t picked up on that, reading my articles, then you might be lost in this one.
2 — to finish the transgression…..The transgression is man’s futile thought, it can govern itself, without YHWH.
3 — to make an end of sin…… The sin of the garden, when The Member of YHWH’s Family who was supposed to be King, rebelled against His Father’s governance.
4 — to make atonement for iniquity……. This one is big. Atonement is grace for obedience. Favor for a step in the right direction. There is always atonement available for repentance. The process is always extremely difficult, though. No different in this situation. The Atonement is for Lucifer…The Prodigal Son.
5 — to bring in everlasting righteousness….. The righteousness of YHWH’s intended government. The focal point of the gospel Christ came to teach.
6 — to seal up vision and prophecy…… To stop all the false prophecies that have been floated for thousands of year, which are totally based upon lies spun from the office of Satan, based 100% in the Demonic world of religion…..Oooooh, I hate Churchianity.
7 — and to anoint the most holy place……And let this burn into your mind….America is the promised land of Israel. Deuteronomy 8:9 America is the most set apart place. The word “holy” simply means “set apart”. The people of Israel do not know where their home land is and more importantly why……But they will. I promise you, Anglo Saxon, Caucasian, Israel will know this story.
I guess in all of The Bible, this prophecy (The Seventy Weeks Prophecy of Daniel 9:24–27) has had the most attempts in fruitlessness. At the heart of the problem…..They all, all the scholars and would be historians all made the same mistake. They all tried to make it about Christ’ first coming. When in reality, Daniel’s seventy weeks has nothing at all to do with Christ first coming.
The next verse lends an very good clue as to the context of the entire prophecy.
“So you are to know and discern that from THE ISSUING OF A DECREE TO RESTORE AND REBUILD JERUSALEM until Messiah the Prince there will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; it will be built again, with plaza (Street) and moat (Wall), even in times of distress.” Daniel 9:25
The words, “THE ISSUING OF A DECREE TO RESTORE AND REBUILD JERUSALEM”, is unmistakably biblical terminology equivalent to:
Make America Great Again.
That well known decree to “Make America Great Again” went forth on June 16, 2015 by our beloved President, Donald J Trump. It was on that faithful day….A New Moon Day…..The 4th New Moon of that particular year, He and His beautiful Wife, Melania came down the escalator at Trump Tower for the express purpose of pronouncing this decree.
From this point forward time is broken up into two sections…..Seven weeks and Sixty Two weeks.
Let’s do some math.
Using New Moon reckoning, where New Moon days are not counted in the list of weeks and you must understand, this is the way it was done in biblical days, we see the following….
Jun 16, 2015 forward seven weeks brings us to the Friday August 7, 2015.
It was on this day, after a Republican Primary debate viewed by more Americans than any debate ever before or since, Donald Trump jumped ahead in the run for the Republican Nomination in all the poles and never looked back….All the while doing so, fielding attacks from every member of the would be Republican party’s finest. All 16 of them. The most ever.
I will address the statement, “it will be built again, with plaza and moat, even in times of distress”, later in this article, for it too is very important, but let’s continue our math lesson concerning the 62 weeks that are to follow August 7, 2015.
August 7, 2015 forward 62 weeks brings us to…..
November 7, 2016.
Thus June 16, 2015 through November 7, 2016 is the sum total of Donald Trump’s candidacy to become our 45th president. Then on November 8, 2016…..
The entire world was shocked as Donald J Trump confirmed a covenant with many for a week of years, and we will get to this covenant, but I have to set the next verse straight.
“Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah (anointed) will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince (Trump) who is to come will DESTROY THE CITY AND THE SANCTUARY. And its end will come with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined. Daniel 9:26
The words, DESTROY THE CITY AND THE SANCTUARY are biblical code language for the modern day lingo, “Drain The Swamp”. The ending of which have not yet seen, so this causes our minds to speculate as to what is meant by the “Flood”, “War” and “Desolation” which are determined in this process. Certainly, the attacks against Trump have been nothing short of an unending flood of attacks. It has been a political war to end all political wars and before it is over with, there will be political desolations determined, but is this all that is implied here. Maybe…..Maybe not.
So, who is The Messiah mentioned at the beginning of verse 26? Who is this one cut off, having nothing?
Well, no doubt, When Trump was elected, Barack Obama was on his way out the door. His term had ended and the people had spoken. However, Obama, no doubt, thought he had left a rich and unbreakable leftist legacy….He was sorely mistaken. Trump has managed to totally destroy that legacy in just a few short year, leaving Obama with nothing in that category. Everything Obama had accomplished Trump has managed to reverse, against all odds and against a flood of wars against him, politically.
Now to the covenant confirmed between Trump and The Tens of Millions of His Supporters.
“And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate.” Daniel 9:27
When Donald Trump says, “We are going to Make America Great Again”, while there are many things to which this statement pertains, the one thing he means most, is that he is going to Make America Rich and Wealthy Again. Remember this statement in verse 25:
…..it will be built again, with plaza (Street) and moat (Wall), even in times of distress.”
Do you see the key words in this passage? Wall Street.
I do…..I see it, loud and clear. Through the troublesome times of the flood of political turmoil, Wall Street has prospered. The rich are getting richer just like a big red balloon….A balloon that is surely going to pop.
But there’s a glitch in all of this…Trump sees himself in office for two full terms, if not more than even that, two full terms is eight years, not seven. What gives there?
I think this is a sure sign of where we are at in biblical end time prophecy. There’s simply not 8 years left, counting from November 2016 before it all goes south. Maybe, that’s all the time Donald Trump has allotted to him to live? I’m not sure, but I do know, Trump is the subject of this end time prophecy, 100%.
So ,let’s address this statement:
but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering
In my article entitled, “The Days of Daniel and Revelation……Oh My! February 16, 2020”, I make the case the removal of the Daily Sacrifices are Donald Trump’s efforts to remove the boatload of regulations Obama placed upon working America, especially in the business world, which is another part of that worthless legacy Obama left for us to deal with and Trump certainly has dealt with it. That article can be read here:
Thus the statement in this context of Daniel 9, “but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering”, denotes a very definite time to which Trump fulfills this destruction of these regulations. And that’s exactly what Daniel describes. That time frame is 1290 days from when He begins to put a stop to the regulations until that job is finished, which is the total days from January 30, 2017 until August 12, 2020…..Which by the way is the middle of the seven years, just as Daniel 9:27 says. In the middle of the week, he will have put a stop to regulations.
And when this occurs, then One comes on the wings of Abomination. Who is this “One” who make desolate?
Mark my words, the making of desolate or the Abomination of Desolation points to one thing and one thing only…..Homosexuality and Abortion. There is nothing that make desolate more than the destruction of life.
So, either this one is Pete Butt-edge-edge or it is the re induction of Barack Obama into the white house once again. Either way, this “One” gets what is coming to him. Death.
Joey Thompson