Hate, The Enemy Within

Joey Thompson
13 min readJan 21, 2021


Chapter 6 of “The Book of The Covenant”, A Witness Against America

“You shall do no murder.”

The sixth commandment, often translated as “You shall not kill,” is obvious. There is very little ambiguity between truth and error in commandments six through nine. Modern Christianity has corrected its stance on this commandment and taught it quite well, as far as we can see. However, as history shows, this has not been the case down through the common age.

It must be noted the brutality directed mainly toward the Protestant Christian Church was nothing short of demonic, not based upon Biblical law but upon the whims and bigotry of mortal men placed in positions of authority by Rome via the pseudo-religious entity called The Roman Catholic Church, a “thought to be” Christian organization.

Teachable Moment: Before a Believer can begin to understand the big picture of Scripture, said Believer must first know the players on the scene spoken of in Scripture. In sports, you have to know the teams playing and the individual players before the game being played makes any real sense. One person supports this college football team, while another one follows a different college team. Each person gets to know the incoming and outgoing players each year, following their progress and keeping an eye on those key players as the season progresses.

The same principle applies in Biblical and historical studies, as each Believer pieces together his or her understanding of exactly what YoHeWaH is doing with mankind. You have to know the players in the program.

In this case, the game is Christianity. History helps us understand the lessons Believers have learned, bringing us to the kind of surface peace we see today within both teams, both sides of Christianity. For many of the two thousand years since the time of Christ, The Roman Catholic Church, and Protestant Christianity were at war with one another. Hatred had taken over the Assembly people thought to have been built by Christ Himself. Yeshua stated this to his disciples:

“Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Then he strictly charged the disciples to tell no one that he was the Christ.” Matthew 16:17–20

Many Believers have taken this text totally out of context to establish all kinds of false doctrines of authority within the Church or Assembly Yeshua has built. We will discuss government and authority within the Church and within a nation, which is actually one and the same once you come to know it, later in this work, but for now, know that this text has nothing to do with authority within the church.

Christ’s statement to Peter and all His disciples answers a rhetorical question Yeshua had previously posed to His Taught Ones. Notice the question Yeshua asks.

“…..’Who do people say that the Son of Man is?’” Matthew 16:13

Now notice The Disciple’s answers:

“Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” Matthew 16:14

John had recently been murdered. Elijah and Jeremiah had been dead for several centuries. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself what in the world the disciples were talking about? Their answers are totally out of the realm of possibility, are they not?

Well, no, actually, their answers are not out of the question at all.

You must remember that so much of what we teach in this work is puzzle pieces of knowledge that fit together to form a much bigger picture. One of the major puzzle pieces addresses not only this question Yeshua asks His Disciples in the above text but also the answers given by His Taught Ones. For now, know that Yeshua’s statement concerning building His Church is based upon the correct understanding of regeneration, not upon any authority given to a man.

Simply put, Christ did not give Peter the so-called keys to the Kingdom or authority over the coming Roman Catholic Church or any other Christian organization. The Rock upon which Yeshua would build His Church was the regeneration process, which YoHeWaH controls accordingly. We will address this in depth later in this work.

That said, our point here, within the subject of hatred and murder, is the root of the animosity that leads to murder. That root is a misgiven authority.

Yeshua spoke of such mistaken authority in another statement to His Disciples, which has never been addressed properly since.

“But Yeshua called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:25–28

The process of “lording it over” or “lording over” is a hierarchical pyramid structure of government. It is a top-down kind of administration, where a single lord is over lords under him, who are lords over lesser lords, eventually lording over the people. The key word is “over.”

Yeshua’s way of government is exactly the opposite of that. Instead of “lording over,” His way is “serve under,” where the person of leadership and higher character is actually underneath those being served.

I'm not swaying too far away from the topic of “You shall do no murder,” but we need to fully understand the difference between “lording over” and “serving under” before the root of true hatred can be comprehended. So, consider the words of the end-time Prophet Isaiah concerning the greatest bottom-up servant leader the world has ever known in the flesh.

You will instantly recognize the following passage, read around the time of Christmas each year in Churches, in Christmas plays, and in any general Christmas convocation. The fact is, the fulfillment of this passage has nothing at all to do with Christmas or even the birth of Christ at all.

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulders, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of YoHeWaH of hosts will do this.” Isaiah 9:6–7

Imagine the picture you have in your mind of the following statement; “the weight of the entire world upon His shoulders.” Question…Is He above or under those He is serving? If the government shall be upon his shoulder, where is He, lording over or serving under?

And, another question…. Is this passage about religion or government? Is it a church statement or a political declaration? Think critically about this. Without a doubt, Christianity is guilty of missing this point. The emphasis is on government, not any kind of religious churchianity. Also, the context of this passage is the end time, not two thousand years ago. Shocking but true. The child being born in this prophecy is none other than the child born in Revelation chapter 12, an event of which the birth of Christ into the flesh was a typology of. Said another way, Christ’ birth into the flesh was a typology pointing to an even greater event at the end time, the birth of the son of the woman of Revelation 12. Here is that passage.

“And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth. And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads seven diadems. His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she bore her child he might devour it. She gave birth to a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and to his throne,…..” Revelation 12:1–5

Isaiah 9 tells us this child governs via service from under, while Revelation 12 tells us this child is to rule with a rod of iron. What gives?

The stewardship of this world leader is exercised in both fashions. John writes about the first way tried, the way Christ said would not be blessed, manifesting in failure and, in fact, animosity and hatred. Isaiah prophesies that the best way for this individual to govern in the future is through servant leadership and freedom, which pave the way to life, blessings, and respect. This Man-Child walks both paths.

In both cases, the Child (Son) is the same person, leading Israel as King in two different ways. The people of the world have come to hate him with a passion, to the point of murder. His rulership via the rod of Iron has ceased, as He now has been abolished to the political grave, murdered by His own people, just as Yeshua, The Christ, was done. However, there is coming a resurrection of this One, The True King of Israel, who will reign, not rule. This time, He will do so with Covenant Law in His wings.

The point here, in the context of “You shall do no murder,” is this: Jealousy and animosity brought to the level of hatred are rooted in improper government or stature. It can be on a grand scale, such as the government of a nation, or on a personal scale between two persons of close relation. It happens in every walk of life.

A husband of a wife rules his wife with a rod of iron, abusing her with words and actions, oftentimes in a jealous rage. Over time, will she come to hate her husband enough to want him dead? You bet she will. The root cause… Misapplied government within the family.

A wife of a husband refuses to follow her husband's lead, who is not oppressive and does not rule with a rod of iron but rather serves his family faithfully. Over time, will there be friction between the two, sometimes leading to animosity and hatred? It happens all the time. The root cause….. Misapplied government within the family.

A Co-worker receives a promotion above another. The case is improperly made to all involved as to why this promotion is being given or not given at all. A lack of communication. Will there be friction between the two co-workers if the one thought He or she should have received the promotion? It happens all the time. The root cause…… Misapplied government within the workplace.

In all cases and any number of other cases we could bring up, hatred leading to murder, whether physical or spiritual murder, occurs from disorder within relationships in our society.

Knowledge of the following two pathways is one of the secrets of life and blessings.

Rulership rooted in a spirit of competition will always lead to disorder and hatred.


Servanthood rooted in a spirit of cooperation will always lead to order and peace.

As a side to the above choice mankind has had to wrestle with for six thousand years, there is this. The lure of reward, rooted in self-preservation, has torn the fabric of society apart. Pursuing fame, money, power, and covetousness has skewed the path itself, causing the man to veer off into a competitive mindset, which can not serve at all or, at best, serve with selfish intent.

Consider someone you know who is a true servant in your eyes. Can you hate that person? If you are fortunate enough to have had good parents who gave of themselves so you would have life more abundantly, can you ever come to hate them? Why not?

Now consider someone you know who is a selfish leader in your eyes. Can you hate that person? Maybe a politician who you know is corrupt, or an abusive Dad / Husband, or a selfish friend who always takes, never giving. Can you ever come to hate those people? Why is that? Don’t kid yourself. You most certainly can, and even if you want to be bigger than that as a Christian, the mind will take you where you do not wish to go.

Why is that?

Because it is written on your DNA the need and desire to experience and even exercise cooperation and selflessness, which is true faith. The following words are scriptural synonyms of one another.

Cooperation, Selflessness, Faith, Freedom. All of which point to a proper fear of YoHeWaH, with our eyes fixed on Him and His ways of Covenant.

As opposed to:

Competition, Selfishness, Faithlessness, Bondage. All of these point to fearing everything except YoHeWaH, with our eyes fixed upon life's rewards.

We opened this chapter with a hint of Christian historical failure via the murder of men and women believers upon Christians by Christians down through the ages. Modern Christianity has moved past such barbaric paths, waging war now between their own denominations, just as Isaiah wrote:

“And I (YoHeWaH) will stir up Egyptians (Christians) against Egyptians (Christians), and they will fight, each against another and each against his neighbor, city (Church) against city (Church), kingdom (Denomination) against kingdom (Denomination).” Isaiah 19:2

There’s no bloodshed, but plenty of religious murder once you really investigate the various churches’ theology concerning who gets into heaven, which in itself is a false doctrine… And if you are astute enough, you should have picked up on the key point from our statement. The reward.

“Getting into heaven” is a hook Christianity has used for millennia to draw up its fish. The false reward of getting into heaven has carved a pathway of “get versus give.” It has become all about what the Believer can “get” out of the equation of a Christian lifestyle as opposed to what that same Believer can be trained to “give” via the building of set apart, righteous character, which comes only from obeying Covenant Law.

Again, Christ came to serve, not to be served. Covenant Law is all about the two pillars of the law itself:

1 — How to properly worship YoHeWaH.


2 — How to live with and serve your fellow man. It is about being blessed via the way of giving, not the way of getting.

Christianity understands this concept well. Churches teach the way of giving from every aspect possible except for one. You can not properly teach how to be in a spirit of giving, void of YoHeWaH’s Covenant Law, which Christianity has abolished.

Are you getting tired of us making this point? Have you ever baked a cake and just knew something was missing? A key ingredient needed to make it right? The point of this work is to show all the ways. The missing ingredient is YoHeWaH’s Covenant Law working within our government and the Church.

Throughout the ages, The Church has created forms of regulation for getting into heaven, which lord it over the Believer, causing animosity to develop within the misguided Believer and those who see this farce for what it is… A Lie. This causes a hatred of Christianity to no end. And Christians wonder why their numbers are dropping.

Christendom has partially recognized this and rolled out the “servant leadership” movement within the church, but again, being void of the teaching of Covenant Law, such a campaign is doomed to fail. Christianity believes its parishioners are to manifest servant leadership out of thin air, with no training whatsoever to cause this to happen. Character has to be built. It can not be conjured up like a magic potion.

Later in this work, in the chapter entitled “The Process Of Salvation,” we will address the avenue of spiritual success, which is obtaining true Agape Love. This is a type of road map to being able to serve YoHeWaH and man properly. It is a long, hard process, not something that can be learned or taught in a six-week Sunday School lesson.

So, is Christianity guilty of murder? Historically, that is an obvious yes.

What about today? Is modern Christianity guilty of the Sixth Commandment? We will allow you, the reader, to answer that question, but I’ll equip you with some information directly from scripture to think about first. Think critically about this information. Your physical and spiritual life will depend upon it.

In the following chapters of your Bible, YoHeWaH brutally condemns Egypt.

Isaiah 19, Isaiah 20, Ezekiel 29, Ezekiel 30, Ezekiel 31, Ezekiel 32.

Stop now and read the variceal hatred YoHeWaH has for Egypt in these chapters. Please know that the context of all this information is the end of days. It is not ancient history at all. History shows that these things never happened in ancient Egypt. Nor is there any connection at all to the Middle Eastern nation of Egypt to any of the prophecies of these chapters. None whatsoever.

Ask yourself this….. Why does YoHeWaH wish to destroy Egypt in such a way? Nowhere in these chapters does YoHeWaH pronounce the manner in which He will utterly destroy Egypt, followed by the words, “because you have done this or that.” He never gives an outright reason why He does these things.

What you will find, over and over and over again, is the following statement, already addressed in the very first chapter of this work. YoHeWaH says to Egypt:

“Then you shall know that I am YoHeWaH.”

Does Christianity, the end-time Egypt, know YoHeWaH? The answer to that question has already been addressed ad nauseam and will be addressed again and again. The biblical criteria for knowing YoHeWaH are laid out by the Apostle John, and with this, you have your answer to the question, “Is Christendom guilty of murder?”

“And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his commandments. Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him,” 1John 2:3–4

In the above chapters, burdens against Egypt, YoHeWaH does violence to Egypt because Egypt has done violence to His Covenant Law, not knowing YoHeWaH at all. Thus over and over and over again, you will read:

“Then you shall know that I am YoHeWaH.”

As the hits keep on coming and the witness against America goes on.

Joey Thompson




Joey Thompson
Joey Thompson

Written by Joey Thompson

An ordained Elder in the ministry of YHWH, commissioned to restore truth at this end time. You can contact me via email at: joeythompson777@aol.com

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