Micah Chapter 1, YHWH’s Thoughts On End Time America (Israel & Judah)
To anyone who has not read my teachings on America being the end time, prophesied nation of Biblical Israel, you might want to take a moment and investigate that very important subject. Many truth seekers and true bible teachers understand this topic and realize it is the secret to understanding biblical prophecy. If you have any questions on this topic, please feel free to reach out to me via email found at the bottom of any of my articles.
Micah 1
1 The word of YHWH which came to Micah of Moresheth in the days of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem. Micah 1:1
It must be noted, Micah was a contemporary with The prophet Isaiah. I have taught for sometime now, Isaiah chapters 6 through 10 point to three aspects we see today……Donald Trump (The Son of Revelation 12), The King of Assyria (The Dragon of Revelation 12) , and The Woman of Revelation 12.
YHWH Becomes Flesh, Again…
2 Hear, O peoples, all of you;
Listen, O earth and all it contains,
And let YHWH be a witness against you,
YHWH from His holy temple.3 For behold, YHWH is coming forth from His place.
He will come down and tread on the high places of the earth.4 The mountains will melt under Him
And the valleys will be split,
Like wax before the fire,
Like water poured down a steep place. Micah 1:2–4
There are a few understandings you must have to know what Amos is speaking of here.
- YHWH is a family of beings, not just one Mighty One, although, there is One Mighty One who is The Father, The One Yeshua came to reveal to us. However, it can not be forgotten, YHWH is a family name. That family has many beings, representatives of The Father, YHWH. Thus when the text says, “YHWH is coming forth from His place”, it is not speaking of The Father, but rather a representative of His Family.
- Mountains in scripture are typological code language for governments and valleys are code for people of the land, not in government, the laity. A Temple is not a place of worship but rather a place of governmental action, such as The White House, Capital Building, etc.
The above text shows a member of YHWH’s family will basically come and sit in His set apart governmental seat (temple) and witness against Israel. The governments will melt under Him. The people will split (just as our nation today is split politically. The words, “Like water poured down a steep place.”, denotes how the people are trained in an Admiralty Law system and know nothing more….Like sheep they just go along with whatever our Law of The Sea Government says.
Micah 1:5
5 All this is for the rebellion of Jacob
And for the sins of the house of Israel.
What is the rebellion of Jacob?
Is it not Samaria?
What is the high place of Judah?
Is it not Jerusalem?
The word “rebellion” denotes a swift running toward sin, away from YHWH, willingly, in an apostate spirit, incurable.
If I asked you what you thought the sin of Samaria was, what would you say? I think any number of sin, you might list of which the ancient House of Israel committed might fit the bill. Samaria was known for its race mixing. It is known for its false calendar worship. It is known for its false priesthood and for its eventual worship of false gods. However, considering the context, I see the sin of Samaria as being The Northern Ten Tribes rejection of King David’s bloodline rule.
The House of Israel rejected Rehoboam as their King, after Solomon died. Now, I am fully aware, it was YHWH that split the 12 tribes accordingly. However, it has to be noted, Israel took advantage of this judgment to sin more and more as time went on.
Now, you need to know, the prophecy found in Genesis 48 concerning the end time establishment of Ephraim is concerning America, which was to become a fullness of nations (as in 50 united states) in one single hand (The United States of America Government. So, what we are reading concerning Samaria is an end time prophecy concerning the prophesied entity spoken of in Genesis 48, as the capital of Ephraim, anciently was the city of Samaria.
Thus we say, of all the Israelite nations today, such as Great Britain, Germany, France, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Australia, etc….America (Ephraim) is the capital Israelite nation.
However, the text goes on to lay the sin at Judah’s feet, specifically Jerusalem. Jerusalem is also a typology for America, the land without walls where its people dwell safely…..Or once did. Zechariah 2:4 and Revelation 11:8.
It must also be noted, Washington DC which is a typology of the actual city of Jerusalem, the capital of Judah is located in the south of this nation, below the Mason/Dickson Line.
Thus the context of Micah 1 is concerning the fullness of Israel under the leadership of Ephraim, in Judah (Washington DC).
Micah 1:6–9
For I will make Samaria a heap of ruins in the open country, Planting places for a vineyard. I will pour her stones down into the valley And will lay bare her foundations. All of her idols will be smashed, All of her earnings will be burned with fire And all of her images I will make desolate, For she collected them from a harlot’s earnings, And to the earnings of a harlot they will return. Because of this I must lament and wail, I must go barefoot and naked; I must make a lament like the jackals And a mourning like the ostriches. For her wound is incurable, For it has come to Judah; It has reached the gate of my people, Even to Jerusalem.
The statement, “I will pour her stones down into the valley And will lay bare her foundations”, is a regeneration statement speaking to the children born in this generation for their judgment (see Jeremiah 8:1). Stones denotes, generation, which hail from the stones or testicles of a man, reaching to her (America’s) foundation, hailing back to ancient Israel’s apostate past, which also goes back to the race mixing with Canaanite nations, of which Samaria was known for anciently and what America is known for today, openly. This mixing is found in the text when looking at the Greek words from The LXX, not present in the Hebrew.
YHWH says He will smash all Her (America’s) earnings. Under the deception of Idolatry, this is an economic statement as YHWH brings low our economy, all the while stating, what our economy has become is idolatry…..Materialism, to no end. It has become our God.
Notice this statement and who is speaking…..
Because of this I must lament and wail, I must go barefoot and naked; I must make a lament like the jackals And a mourning like the ostriches.
Is it not YHWH who is speaking there? Yes, YHWH in the flesh. If you follow what I have taught now for some time, This member of The YHWH Family to which has come in the flesh is Donald J Trump…..And what do we see. We see Him being politically crucified as we speak. They have inspected this man for three days and nights (three years), but just like Christ, they found no Kingly flaw in him.
So it will be, this man will lament and wail. he will go barefeet and naked, just as Yeshua did as they took him to Golgotha.
Interestingly, it is my teaching this man (Being) once held the office of Satan in the garden, as the One known as Lucifer. That office is now held by another entity, at this time. The word Jackal in the text, is defined as Dragon, Sea Monster, Serpent. This man Donald Trump is being punished in the flesh for His one time rebellion against His Father, YHWH, who intended him to be King.
And to add to that point, The word “Ostriches”, with “rich” in the middle of the word, denotes one who was once greedy but now, is repentant, paying attention to the needs of others. Trump fit this build, to a tee.
Finally, notice, America’s wound (sickness of lawlessness, or the rejection of YHWH’s covenant law) is incurable.
Micah 1:10–12
10 Tell it not in Gath,
Weep not at all.
At Beth-le-aphrah roll yourself in the dust.11 Go on your way, inhabitant of Shaphir, in shameful nakedness.
The inhabitant of Zaanan does not escape.
The lamentation of Beth-ezel: “He will take from you its support.”12 For the inhabitant of Maroth
Becomes weak waiting for good,
Because a calamity has come down from YHWH
To the gate of Jerusalem.
Verse 10 is a regeneration statement, literally about regeneration and the mystery there of. Gath literally means wine press which denotes doctrinal teaching and Bethleaphrah literally means house of dust, which is pointing to Adamites, who were formed of the dust of the ground. Thus the secret of how Adam has literally made his way down through time to this very end time generation, and the very events of the garden are coming full circle, with the one who enticed Eve (The Woman) to sin, leading to much of Adam’s destruction to this very day.
Shaphir is beauty, as in the beauty of the churches who are women in typology. Zaanan is the flock of those churches, or the people left in the deceptions of their lies and Beth-Ezel are those of the foreign nation who have joined our House, the House of Israel in covenant. All of these, will never know what hit them. Go your way, nothing to see here. Just ignore and pass by like good little sheeple.
Maroth points to the bitterness of those who might have some knowledge of what is going on, but have not the true understanding of the depths of it all or has the understanding to put all the pieces together or even if they do, have not the power or where with all to do anything about it for they are bitter (key word) at the entire situation, in their waiting for God. Maroth literally means bitterness.
Micah 1:13
13 Harness the chariot to the team of horses,
O inhabitant of Lachish —
She was the beginning of sin
To the daughter of Zion —
Because in you were found
The rebellious acts of Israel.
Horses are politicians. The team of horses would be like what we see in all the Democratic candidates which were running for president, suddenly dropping out to support Joe Biden.
Now, I have no understanding of what is meant by inhabitant of Lachish.
Micah 1:14–16
14 Therefore you will give parting gifts
On behalf of Moresheth-gath;
The houses of Achzib will become a deception
To the kings of Israel.15 Moreover, I will bring on you
The one who takes possession,
O inhabitant of Mareshah.
The glory of Israel will enter Adullam.16 Make yourself bald and cut off your hair,
Because of the children of your delight;
Extend your baldness like the eagle,
For they will go from you into exile.
Verse 14 tells of deception set straight. Gath points to teachings or doctrine, while Moresheth points to taking possession of the truth by casting out the lies. Achzib speaks to the same witness. Achzib literally means deceptive lies. Lies told and believed by The Kings of Israel. These Kings could be men in leadership, at various level of government. The question is what are the lies being told, to which these Kings have been deceived and to what level?
Verse 15 and 16 lends information to help answer those questions.
Verse 15 has a word missing from the translated text, which the Hebrew shows…..That word is Heir, as in YHWH states, “He will bring on you (Israel) the One who’s right of possession it should be….The true intended glory of YHWH from the beginning.”…….That One is Donald Trump. The One you, Israel, The Northern House, represented by The Democratic Party would not accept.
Thus, like Samson, when his hair was cut, The Democratic strength will fail and as we shall soon see in this series, It will be Assyria who will come and implement a state of captivity for those who hold to this Leftist mentality.
End of Micah 1. Micah 2 coming soon.
Joey Thompson