The Horns and Craftsmen of Zechariah Chapter 1, Part 1

Joey Thompson
20 min readFeb 15, 2020


One of the very little known secretes of interpretation of scripture is the ability to understand typology. Typology is a kind of code language The Almighty uses to veil truth from those who really do not deserve to understand its meaning. Yeshua, The Christ spoke in this language all the time, throughout the Gospels……He called it “Parables”.

Modern Linguist call it allegory. A shadow of things which have a “layer down” meaning applicable to Believers, if they have “eyes to see” and “ears to hear”(Righteous Character, worthy of such sight).

Understanding typology really requires the use of two bible study principles.

  1. Knowing the code within scripture which causes The Bible to Interpret itself. Words that are used which have topological meaning.

One such example is “wine”. Wine in scripture has a surface meaning of exactly what we think….strong drink. But in typology, wine is as type of doctrine or teaching, usually in a bad or drunken manner, cause to lead astray would be Believers.

Another is “Mountain”…..Again, on the surface, mountain has the meaning of a risen portion of land. However, in typology a mountain is a form of government or governmental power. In like manner, a hill is a lower form of government. So, a mountain might be a national government, while a hill might be a local or state government within the national scene.

One more to consider…..A Horse. On the surface a horse is exactly what we think of, a beast of burden….But in scriptural typology, a horse is a politician or political party. Think of it this way. A Horse is designed to run a race. Men have run horses for millennia in various types of races. A Politician runs a race for election and usually for its rider or the real power behind the office. Once you understand the true point of scripture which is government, not religion, these governmental typologies should begin to resonate with The Believer.

2. Knowing the root meaning of any word in question, then applying that root meaning to the surface meaning of that word to find the full meaning of the text in question.

Root Meaning(s) + Surface Meanings = The True Intent of The Author in its Context.

People have a real hard time with this one. Not sure why. When looking for the meaning of any given word used in any given passage, whether in Hebrew or Greek, it is always beneficial to apply the root meaning(s) of that word to the definition of the word in question. Sometimes, the hidden typology is found in the root, of the root, of the root of a word. Three, four and sometimes even five layers down.

Most Believers simply do not know, The Bible is a book to study, like a treasure map, far more than it is a book just to read, for the benefit of stories told. Just reading The Bible avails much, no doubt, but studying The Bible reveals its true purpose.

Men have changed the original words of God’s message, which is why most people do not trust any of the bible today. I understand that more than anyone, but really, my response to those people is one or both of two thoughts………Either they really do not want to understand the scriptures or they do not know the secretes of typology, nor how to study The Bible, which is eyes to see and ears to hear. If they knew to principles of proper Bible study then maybe just maybe they would have a heart for real truth. But, its really a circular argument.

Now, with this understanding of the importance of typology, lets address the title of the article.

The Book of Zechariah is a solely end time book concerning America and the political landscape at the end time, which is a compass of 70 years, which in itself is an end time typology of ancient Judah being in captivity to Babylon for 70 years.

Chapter one and two are the foundation of the rest of the book. Part one of this article will deal with chapter one and part two will deal with chapter two. Then if the Spirit wills, I will continue through the rest of the book. But for now, I’ll simply give the reader this quick outline of all 14 chapters of Zechariah.

Chapters 1 and 2 are the foundation of the rest of the book and a full telling or overview of the end times.

Chapters 3 and 4 are the revealing of the two witnesses of Revelation 11, as they introduce and uplift the BRANCH of government, which is The Builder and King, The Son born in Revelation 12.

Chapter 5 is the telling of the Affordable Healthcare Bill, known as Obamacare and the rise of the two women who will bring back that bill to America, glorifying the women who started that process, almost 30 years ago.

Chapter 6 brings us back to the political landscape and the establishment of two thrones. One The High Priest and One The King. Two totally separate thrones, offices and people. Also, in chapter six we see for the first time, The Woman of Revelation 12.

Chapter 7 and 8 brings to light the true state of the end time nation of Israel (America) and its political landscape, which is THE UNITED STATES, which has nothing at all to do with America (Israel). This chapter also reveals the judgment coming on America because of it leadership, which is THE UNITED STATES government. 70 Years, is also mention, which is the time setting of the amount of time, THE UNITED STATES has forced the liberal agenda upon true Israel (America) and the judgment which follows.

Chapter 9 explains the root problem within America, which the Left began pushing almost 70 years ago….Racism and Race Mixing. This chapters lends YHWH’s thoughts on this and the judgment there of and the One known as the BRANCH who brings it to light.

Chapter 10 shows the outpouring of YHWH’s Spirit which end time Egypt simply doesn’t understand and reject 100%. The two prevailing aspects of end time America is the religious system of Egypt (a type of Christianity) and Assyria (a type of the militarized police force we see rising this very day). These two will be destroyed by YHWH, The Two Witnesses and The Woman, for who, YHWH will pour out His spirit upon.

Chapter 11 is by far, the most revealing chapter of Zechariah, as The Two witnesses are killed, THE UNITED STATES government dies (all three branches of government). The Branch is betrayed. And Obama comes back into power.

Chapter 12 continues the chapter 11 process, as YHWH totally destroys our political (horses) process, but the regenerated David (m The True BRANCH) and all of Judah…..true Judah rises up and builds once again the Temple of YHWH (The Kingdom of YHWH, or The Government of YHWH).

Chapter 13 Looks back to the judgment which is soon coming on this land, as YHWH says He will take the one third left to build His government, which is the beginning of The Gospel of Christ in this nation…..The Kingdom of YHWH.

Chapter 14 is a full recap of the entire Book of Zechariah. The cleaving of Mount Zion (THE UNITED STATES government), to the south (Republicans) and to the north (Democrats) and the establishment of a brand new political party, which shall flow east to west between the two. That political party will be THE BRANCH.

LOL. That was a little more than a simple outline. Moving on.

In Revelation, we see two beast in Chapter 13. One beast has seven heads and ten horns with ten crowns upon its head. The second beast also has seven heads and ten horns but only has seven crowns.

Here is the topological key:

The two beast are the two parties of THE UNITED STATES.

A head is the office of presidency.

A horn is a power which rises above that of presidency, just as a horn rises up above the head of a goat or lamb……..As in when a political party holds both branches of congress and the presidency.

A crown is the agenda or political aspirations of each party. The left has their agendas (ten of them) and the right has theirs (seven in total).

See my further explanations of this:

Now it is with this knowledge we can finally delve into Zechariah 1.

Verses 1–6 simply tell of what YHWH thinks of the current state of Israel (Amercia) and His plea for Israel to turn back to Him. There was and is one who has made this call since 2010. This one, might come up again, when we get into chapter 3. 4 and 6.

Beginning in verse 7 we see the word of YHWH coming to Zechariah, as YHWH showed him a “man” riding a red horse. You should instantly look for a political back drop.

Lets take a look at verses 7–11:

On the twenty-fourth day of the eleventh month, which is the month Shebat, in the second year of Darius, the word of YHWH came to Zechariah the prophet, the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo, as follows: I saw at night, and behold, A MAN was riding on a RED HORSE, and he was standing among THE MYRTLE TREES which were IN THE RAVINE, with RED, SORREL and WHITE horses behind him. Then I said, “My lord, what are these?” And the angel who was speaking with me said to me, “I will show you what these are.” And the man who was standing among the myrtle trees answered and said, “These are those whom YHWH has sent to PATROL the earth.” So they answered the angel of YHWH who was standing among the myrtle trees and said, “We have PATROLLED the earth, and behold, all the earth is AT PEACE AND AT REST.” Zechariah 1:7–11 NASV

Now I’ve upper cased several key words, to which we address in just a moment, but before I do, lets examine this same text from The Greek Septuagint (The LXX).

7 “On the fourth and twentieth day in the eleventh month, this is the month Shebat, in the second year unto Darius, came to pass the word of the lord to Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, son of Iddo the prophet, saying, 8 I saw the night, and behold, a man having mounted REDDISH HORSE, and this one stood in the midst of the SHADY MOUNTAIN; and behind him REDDISH HORSES, and WHITE, and SPOTTED. 9 And I said, What are these, O lord? And the angel said unto me, the one speaking to me, I will show to you what these are. 10 and the man answered, the one standing in the midst of the mountains, and he said to me, These are whom the lord sent out TO TRAVEL ABOUT THE EARTH. 11 And they answered to the angel of the lord standing in the midst the mountains, and they said, We have traveled about the earth, and behold, all the earth is INHABITED AND TRANQUIL.” Zechariah 11:7–11, LXX

Lets pick out these key words and allow me to place meaning on these words, via the two principles of typology listed at the beginning of this article.

  1. Red — Fire, like the sun, red.
  2. Myrtle trees (shady mountain — Notice The LXX actually defines what the Greeks before the time of Christ understood this to mean, but a closer look into what kind of mountain (government) is defined here…..A shady or dark one, as in evil.
  3. In The Ravine —Notice the LXX does not insert these words, but the Hebrew text (via The NASV) does. The reason is because the words, “in the ravine” denotes a hollow type setting, which is always dark and shady or shadowy. A home in a hollow, rarely sees the light of day because of its low setting. Today, in government, we would use much of the same terms for what is happening…..SHADOW GOVERNMENT……THE DEEP STATE.
  4. Red, Sorrel and White — Or as The LXX has it…..Red, White and Sorrel (Spotted). Sorrel is a mixed color, usually black and white, mixed. Not correctly represented by the image of a sorrel colored horse, which is usually chestnut in color in the racehorse world. Red is fire of the sun and white is brilliant white or white light.
  5. Patrol or travel about the earth — Researching the root meaning of these words, in the Hebrew and Greek, the words piercing and haunting of the soul comes up and causes me to believe this moment in time is when man’s time (the 120 generations spoken of in Genesis 6:3) has come to its full. The Almighty basically stated, He would put up with man for 120 periods of time (a Jubilee of time) or 50 years times 120 periods which = 6000 years or six days of God’s time before His Millennial Sabbath day which is fast approaching.
  6. At peace and at rest or as The LXX has it, “Inhabited and Tranquil” — Understanding these two words is the foundation of the foundation of Zechariah…….So Very Important. I can sum these two words up in one single word……Apathy. YHWH, through His messengers sent to take a look at the whole earth (that would be all of end time Israel) reported back……All Israel (America) was “Apathetic” to the righteousness of Covenant Law.

Now, I promise we will get to the explanation of the horns and the craftsmen, at the end of the chapter, but there’s still more foundation which has to be laid before hand. The next section is very important to understand in light of the rest of the Book of Zechariah and the true intent of scripture which is the establishment of YHWH’s government here on earth.

So after it has been established the state of, or spiritual condition of end time Israel (Jerusalem, which is America)….TOTALLY APATHETIC, a back and forth between The Angel and YHWH takes place which further makes the point of YHWH’s will at this end time. I think this is very much worth considering.

Then the angel of YHWH said, “YHWH Almighty, how long will you withhold mercy from Jerusalem and from the towns of Judah, which you have been angry with these seventy years?

So the angel who was speaking with me said to me, “Proclaim, saying, ‘Thus says YHWH of hosts, “I am exceedingly JEALOUS for Jerusalem and Zion. “But I am very angry with the nations who are at ease (apathetic); for while I was only a little angry, they furthered the disaster.”

‘Therefore thus says YHWH, “I will return to Jerusalem with compassion; MY HOUSE WILL BE BUILD IN IT,” declares YHWH of hosts, “and a measuring line will be stretched over Jerusalem.”’ “Again, proclaim, saying, ‘Thus says YHWH of hosts, “My cities will again overflow with prosperity, and YHWH will again comfort Zion and AGAIN, CHOOSE JERUSALEM.”’” Zechariah 1:12–17

There are many teachable moments within these five verses. Let me see if I can break them down in simplistic form.

1 — The 70 years are a cross over of typologies from ancient Judah’s captivity under Babylon crossed over to this end time typology being played out here in the true promised land of America, all the while, the land in which the first typology played out, The Middle Eastern Land of Israel, became a nation in 1948, marking the start of a count that ended in 2018…..70 years.

There is much more to this cross over typology, but for now just know, Babylon (THE UNITED STATES, which is actually headed by London, England) had a major role in the establishment of the state of Israel in the middle east, meaning Israel from its outset has been under Babylon.

However, on May 15, 2018, Donald Trump, a type of Cyrus recognized The Middle Eastern City of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, taking the first step toward freeing Israel from underneath the rule of End Time Babylon.

2 — This action of recognizing Jerusalem by YHWH’s end time messenger, see Isaiah 45 and the story of Cyrus (Donald Trump), showed YHWH ZEAL or Jealousy for beginning this restoration process.

3 — The word used in verse 15, “nations” denotes The Gentile influence upon the end time nation of Israel (Jerusalem or America) leading Israel down this road of Apathy. And yes, if that sounds racist, then so be it. It is a fact. The influx of non-Israelite people into America has very clearly been the downfall of America and YHWH word here in verse 15 makes this very clear. End time Israel was far too apathetic before the influx of non-Israelite peoples, but these foreign peoples made the matter much worse and angered YHWH greatly.

4 — YHWH statement, “I will return to Jerusalem with compassion; MY HOUSE WILL BE BUILD IN IT”, really shows His sense of understanding why true end time Israel (America) is in the state we are in. With compassion He will build His House…….And it is here we must identify another one of those words used in the topological biblical code we have come to see. The words, House, Temple and/or Tabernacle are all code language for government. Thus YHWH is saying, I will build my Governmental House, in this text, and He will do it with compassion.

5 — YHWH then goes on to say, “and a measuring line will be stretched over Jerusalem”. Any Bible student would instantly recognize where else we see a measuring line in prophecy. The Apostle John is given a reed to go and measure Jerusalem in Revelation 11:1–3

Then there was given me (John) a measuring rod like a staff; and I was told, “Get up and measure the TEMPLE (GOVERNMENT) of God and the altar, and those who worship in it. “Leave out the court which is outside the temple and do not measure it, for it has been given to the nations (Gentiles); and they will tread under foot the holy city for forty-two months. “And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for twelve hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.” Revelation 11:1–3

We also see a measuring line prophesied in Amos 7:7–9 concerning the state of end time Israel’s Spiritual House, but that’s another subject, relating only slightly.

6 — Then, continuing my commentary on Zechariah 1:12–17, we find a comforting, yet, terrifying statement made by YHWH…..He says, “My cities will again overflow with prosperity”. Thinking critically, this means, that His cities, Boston, Atlanta, New York City, Denver, Dallas, etc, all of which are overflowing with prosperity currently, will have to reach a point of a coming depravity before they can see the fulfillment of YHWH mercy as He once again rebuilds them to prosperity……..Hard times ahead.

7 — Finally, YHWH makes a statement to which we have seen before, pointing to the founding of this nation back in 1619…..YHWH says, “and YHWH will again comfort Zion and AGAIN, CHOOSE JERUSALEM.”

The words, “Choose Jerusalem (which points to Jacob/Israel)” are words that we have heard before and in fact we have written extensively about these words in Isaiah 14:1–2, as the historical case is made, slavery in America was not only YHWH ordained, but it was and is a sign of who biblical end time Israel is today…….And least you think this too is simply a racist statement, please read my account of this directly from scripture. Facts are Facts….

Isaiah 14:1 says this recounting the foundation of our nation……

When YHWH WILL HAVE COMPASSION on Jacob (JERUSALEM) and AGAIN CHOOSE ISRAEL (Jerusalem), and settle them in their own land (America), then strangers (Nations) will join them and attach themselves to the house of Jacob.

What this says is that YHWH had compassion upon Israel 400 years ago, choosing to place the people of Israel in their own land, as many other prophecies speak of…..And here in Zechariah 1, we see YHWH having a second round of compassion upon His people and nation and land of end time Israel, once again, “choosing” Israel for the express purpose of beginning to build His millennial government in this promised land. (Deuteronomy 8:9)

And finally, this brings us to “The Horns and Craftsmen” of Zechariah 1.

“Then I lifted up my eyes and looked, and behold, there were four horns. So I said to the angel who was speaking with me, “What are these?” And he answered me, “These are the horns which have scattered Judah, Israel and Jerusalem.” Then YHWH showed me four craftsmen. I said, “What are these coming to do?” And he said, “These are the horns which have scattered Judah so that no man lifts up his head; but these craftsmen have come to terrify them, to throw down the horns of the nations who have lifted up their horns against the land of Judah in order to scatter it.” Zechariah 1:18–21

Remember earlier in this article how I identified what a horn was/is…..

Concerning the two Beast of Revelation 13, which has seven heads, ten HORNS and a number of crowns (7 for The Republican Party and 10 for The democratic Party)……

The seven heads are the seven times in which each party has risen up to take the Presidency since 1869 (the year THE UNITED STATES, came into being with the establishment of The District of Columbia)

Ten times, each party has come into full power, winning both houses of Congress and The Presidency, holding full power above that of just “A Head” (Just The Presidency). This full power is “A HORN”

Before I fully and clearly identify The Four Horns, I want to make the case of what YHWH says these horns are doing to Israel, Judah and Jerusalem (all code names for end time America).

The key word is “scatter”. To fully understand the meaning of this word, we will look at both how the word is defined in The Hebrew and from The Greek text. Both are very important. First a look from The Hebrew word.

The word scatter is a good single word definition on the surface, but remember the first principle for fully understanding a layer down typology…..You have to always look at the root meaning and apply that meaning to the definition of the word. In this case, the root word is defined as: “come from another man, place, fanner, go away, estranger, thing, woman.

Now, anyone who follows my teachings has learned about the subject of physical regeneration and how YHWH uses it to both bless and curse men in the flesh. If this concept is foreign to you, please read my teaching on this subject.


I see these four horns as evil men physically regenerated back into the flesh for the express purpose of judging lawless, end time physical Israel, punishing the unrighteousness of Israel (America) at the end time. See Jeremiah 8:1–3. These four men (Presidents of THE UNITED STATES, empowered with the full measure of both house of congress), are sent back into the flesh from evil men of ancient Israel long ago (again, see Jeremiah 8:1–3) to fulfill their doom and as a rod of discipline from YHWH Himself, the giver and controler of life itself. Notice the root definition…..come from another man, Estranged and even woman, as in sometimes these regenerated evil men can and do come in the form of a woman…..And have names like Hillary, Nancy and the like.

But, let me further this point by taking a look from The Greek definition of this word translated “scattered”.

It is here that I ask you to stop what you are doing. Go find your spiritual eyes and please put them on……You’re going to need them. Grab a light as well, cause we are about to go deep down underground in the “layers and layers down” of scripture.

The surface meaning of the Greek word used in this text is just like the Hebrew. It is a good definition…To Scatter or Winnow. However, lets take a look at the root of the word.

The Greek word is diaskorpizó (G1287), a compound word broken up into two root words.

1 — Dia (G1223) which means: through, on account of, because of.

2 — skorpizó (G4650) which means: To scatter, disperse abroad.

But the question is how is a thing in questioned dispersed abroad?

Again, to answer this critical question, we must continue to look deeper into the meaning of this root word, skorpizó (G4650), the second portion of the compound word.

The next layer down is the Greek word skorpios (G4651) which means: Probably from an obsolete skerpo (perhaps strengthened from the base of skopos and meaning to pierce); a “scorpion” (from its sting) — scorpion.

I’ll ask you to look through your eyes to see spiritual glasses and think about what you just read, in light of end time prophecy in The Book of Revelation.

Let me help you with that……

Then the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from heaven which had fallen to the earth; and the key of the bottomless pit was given to him. He opened the bottomless pit (THE NEVER ENDING MIGRATION OF HISPANICS FROM THE BOTTOMLESS PIT OF CENTRAL AMERICA), and smoke went up out of the pit, like the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun (CHOICES OF MEN) and the air (FREEDOM OF MEN) were darkened (SHADOW GOVERNMENT….DEEP STATE) by the smoke of the pit. Then out of the smoke came locusts (ILLEGAL ALIENS WHO EAT UP OUR PROSPERITY) upon the earth, and power was given them, as the scorpions (THOSE WHO SCATTER) of the earth have power. They were told not to hurt the grass of the earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree, but only the men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads (AS PUNISHMENT FOR UNRIGHTEOUSNESS). And they were not permitted to kill anyone, but to torment for five months; and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it stings (SCATTERS CHOICES OF FREEDOM) a man. And in those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, and death flees from them (THE PHYSICAL REGENERATION OF THE JEREMIAH 8:1–3 PEOPLE). The appearance of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle (POLITICAL VOTES FOR THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY); and on their heads appeared to be crowns (THE LEFTIST AGENDA) like gold, and their faces (HOMOS) were like the faces (HOMOS) of men. They had hair like the hair of women, and their teeth were like the teeth of lions. They had breastplates like breastplates of iron (ROME); and the sound of their wings (THE WING OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY) was like the sound of chariots, of many horses (POLITICANS) rushing to battle. They have tails like scorpions (DESIGNED TO SCATTER, AS IN ZECHARIAH 1:21), and stings (SCATTERING); and in their tails is their power to hurt men for five months. Revelation 9:1–10

In this text from Revelation 9 we see the symbolism of typology playing out in pour political system. In this Text we see the agenda of the Democratic party. Women empowered, homosexuals coming to power, illegal aliens coming to eat our prosperity, all for the benefit of The Leftist Agenda, which began when?

The first horn was Democrat Lyndon B Johnson with a total Democratic power behind him of both branches of Congress, 1963 to 1969

The second horn was Democrat Jimmy Carter with a total Democratic Power behind him of both branches of Congress, 1977 to 1981.

The third horn was Democrat William Clinton with a total Democratic power behind him of both branches of Congress, 1993 to 1995.

The fourth horn was Democrat Barack Obama with a total Democratic power behind him of both branches of Congress, 2009 to 2011.

The bills passed in these 14 years of our recent history virtually all back the Revelation 9 agenda showing the scattering of righteousness in the end time nation of Israel (Jerusalem) America.

So, who or what are the Craftsmen? The text says this…..

These are the horns (The Democrats) which have scattered (stings of a scorpion) Judah so that no man lifts up his head (Freedom suppressed); but these craftsmen have come to terrify them (TO SHARPEN THEM IN THEIR HANDS), to throw down the horns of the nations (GENTILES) who have lifted up their horns against the land of Judah in order to scatter it.”

The injected phrase, “TO SHARPEN THEM IN THEIR HANDS” is directly from the Greek LXX. The key word is “sharpen” which literally means to cause to drink wine……..and wine is a topological code for what?

Doctrine or teaching…..Pointing to the Christian base of the Republican Party. Remember, The two Beast of Revelation 13. The first Beast is the Democratic Party which brought us THE UNITED STATES (The True Babylonian Beast System of Revelation). However, the second Beast is like unto it, meaning it falls under the same Babylonian system but with all it patriotic pomp of red, white and blue, with its horns like a lamb (christian based party).

The Craftsmen are Nixon, Reagan, Bush and Bush (Ford was not a factor). And Trump is much higher than a craftsman, but more on this One later in Zechariah.

May YHWH bless your studies into His word…..

Joey Thompson



Joey Thompson
Joey Thompson

Written by Joey Thompson

An ordained Elder in the ministry of YHWH, commissioned to restore truth at this end time. You can contact me via email at:

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