The Passover Year and Donald J. Trump, The Year of His Political Crucifixion

Joey Thompson
6 min readFeb 22, 2020


February 22, 2020

Allow me to be clear. I have a series of articles I wrote around this time last year which was entitled “The King of Israel, At The End Time”, Parts 1–8. In these articles I made the case, Donald Trump is The Almighty’s attempt to prove He (or a member of His Family, called YHWH) could be King over Israel. This effort to rule Israel as King has been YHWH’s work in progress throughout The Bible. Anyone with eyes to see would have to agree, YHWH has struggled to cause Israel to accept Him as their King.

I made the case then and I make the case today, Donald Trump is the regenerated Member of YHWH’s Family that YHWH The Father intended to be that King originally… Before the recreation of the earth in Genesis 1.

Most Believers fail to pay attention to the fact the scripture is clear there are two thrones in the coming government of YHWH. An appointed member of Yeshua physical family will sit on the priestly side of that two throne systen… And this end time YHWH Family Member, Trump will sit on the Kingly side of the system.

That said, I have also made the case, YHWH is using the exact same methodology to test the metal of our end time King, as He did to qualify our High Priest. Yeshua won His position as Our High Priest almost 2K years ago.

That method of testing is the time of the sign of Jonah, or The Three Days and Nights of Matthew 12:40.

“Then some of the scribes and Pharisees said to Him, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.” But He answered and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation craves for a sign; and yet no sign will be given to it but the sign of Jonah the prophet; for just as JONAH WAS THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS IN THE BELLY OF THE SEA MONSTER, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” Matthew 12:38–40

Now, let me be clear. I am certain, this 72 hour period (3 days and nights) was very clearly NOT the time that Yeshua was in the tomb. The Sign of Jonah was carried out BEFORE Yeshua died. It was the amount of time the lamb of YHWH was put up or imprisoned under Roman Authority, being inspected for flaws. That 3 days and nights was the 11th, 12th and 13th of Abib. To which, if The Passover Lamb of Exodus 12 was to be found without flaw, it was to be killed on the 14th of Abib… The Day of Passover. Note the title of this article.

Yeshua, as you know, was found without flaw. Pilate himself said so, three different times, to which I make the case he said on each of the three days of Yeshua inspection and trial, the 11th, 12th and 13th. Its just not recorded that way on the surface reading of the gospel accounts, being hidden from those without eyes to see.

That said, Trump is not qualifying for a priestly position. He will be Israel’s King and his qualifying period is on a different level.

There is a principle within scriptural prophecy few truly understand. A day for a year in typology.

One day is one year in typological prophecy.

There is a science behind this theology, no doubt. We will leave that explanation for another time, but for now just know the following two passages point to this topological fact….

According to the number of days which you spied out the land, forty days, for every day you shall bear your guilt a year, even forty years, and you will know My opposition. Numbers 14:34


“For I have assigned you a number of days corresponding to the years of their iniquity, three hundred and ninety days; thus you shall bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. “When you have completed these, you shall lie down a second time, but on your right side and bear the iniquity of the house of Judah; I have assigned it to you for forty days, a day for each year. Ezekiel 4:5–6

Thus my point is this….Yeshua was tried as YHWH’s Priest for three actual days and nights, 72 hours of intense testing and found guiltless. Trump is being tried and tested for kingly flaws for three full years (summers and winters, or days and nights).

Originally last year at this time, I thought those three years was 2016, 2017 and 2018, making the Passover year, 2019. The Sabbath year of Abib 15 would then be 2020, the period he would then lay in the tomb politically, resting on that Sabbath year, until His resurrection at Dawn of 2021.

I now see, I have been pre-mature in my thinking. The time line will go more like this…..

The dawn of 2017 (February 21) is the moment Trump was turned over to the Roman Authorities (The Dems, The Media, and the Dragon, George DinoSoros). See Matthew 27:1, Mark 15:1, Luke 22:66, and John 18:28.

Thus the following key is true:

2016 = Abib 10, the date Yeshua made a covenant with many, after sunset. After Sunset, Trump made a covenant with many, November 3rd, 2016. See Daniel 9:27

2017 = Abib 11

2018 = Abib 12

2019 = Abib 13

2020 = Abib 14 Passover (The Year or Day YHWH is killed politically)

2021 = Abib 15 (The High Day Sabbath, 1st day of Unleavened Bread) see Matthew 24:20.

2022 = Abib 16 (The Resurrection Day, at Dawn)(2nd Day of Unleavened Bread)

2023 = Abib 17 (3rd Day of Unleavened Bread)

2024 = Abib 18 (4th Day of Unleavened Bread)

2025 = Abib 19 (5th Day of Unleavened Bread

2026 = Abib 20 (6th Day of Unleavened Bread)

2027 = Abib 21 (7th and final Day of Unleavened Bread)

2027 also marks the 2000 year of Christ Crucifixion memorial, which is another prophetic discussion having to do with Hosea 6:2 and the 2K years since Yeshua death, burial and resurrection and the establishment of YHWH’s Kingdom / Government…….But, we’ll leave that for another article.

The point being, this article is all about watching this coming year.

If you know the timing of Yeshua’s final day in the flesh….The 3rd hour of Mark 15:25. The 6th hour of Matthew 27:45. The 9th hour of Matthew 27:46 and finally the dawn of Matthew 28:1 and John 20:1…Then you might be able to watch the coming year concerning Donald Trump and begin to see what I see.

The Establishment will take this man out. They will finally succeed in politically crucifying Our King…..The Lamb of YHWH, in their full rejection of YHWH, both Priestly and Kingly offices.

Here is that calendar with some key dates and scriptures to consider.

The Passover Year, 2020

Morning Twilight Feb 21 — March 4

1st hour is March 5 — March 22

2nd hour is March 23 — April 9 (First Day of Unleavened Bread Sabbath))

3rd hour is April 10 — April 27

4th hour is April 28 — May 15 (5th Sabbath Complete)

5th hour is May 16 — June 2

6th hour is June 3 — June 20 (4th Sabbath of 3rd Month)

7th hour is June 21 — July 8

8th hour is July 9 — July 26

9th hour is July 27 — August 13 (Beginning the period called “in the midst of the evening” or “between two evenings” Hours 9, 10 and 11)

10th hour is August 14 — August 31

11th hour is September 1 — September 18 (Trumpets)(ending the period of “in the midst of the evening” Hours 9, 10 and 11)

12th hour is September 19 — October 6 (21st of the 7th month Haggai 2:1)

Evening Twilight Oct 7 — Oct 22 (October 17 is the NM of the 8th month)

1st hour is October 23 — November 1

2nd hour is November 2 — November 11 (November 3 is election)

3rd hour is November 12 — November 21(9–4, November 19, Zechariah 7:1)

4th hour is November 22 — December 1

5th hour is December 2 — December 11 (9–24 is December 9)

6th hour is December 12 — December 21(Midnight, December 22)

7th hour is December 22 — December 31 (10–10 December 24, Ezekiel 24)

8th hour is January 1 — January 10 (11–1, January 14, Ezekiel 26, Tyre)

9th hour is January 11 — January 20

10th hour is January 21 — January 31

11th hour is February 1 — February 10 (11–24, Feb. 6, Zechariah 1:7)

12th hour is February 11 — February 20

February 21, 2021 begins the Sabbath Year, The 15th of Abib. Are you still here? Matthew 24:20.

Joey Thompson



Joey Thompson
Joey Thompson

Written by Joey Thompson

An ordained Elder in the ministry of YHWH, commissioned to restore truth at this end time. You can contact me via email at:

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