The Real Reason For COVID-19

Joey Thompson
12 min readMar 22, 2020


As I sit watching Fox News, The Clinton News Network and that other Wanna-Be Cable News Outlet, I am basically waiting for anyone, anyone at all, to even hint at the real reason this curse…..and it is a curse……has come upon our nation.

Now, I know full well there is a “Powers That Be” agenda at work here. Whether you say COVID-19 is totally fabricated or this whole thing is taken advantage of by “The Powers That Be”, I’m well aware of the political opportunities taken by this crisis. Just as Rahm Emanuel stated one time, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

Either way, I’m not talking about any of that. Knowing the scripture as I do and I make no bones about…..I know the scripture…….Far more than the Sunday Morning Comedy Hour crap fest we see on TV today, or in any church in this nation, for that matter…..And that’s not a braggadocios statement, it’s a slap in the face at the bullshit pulpit of Christianity in these last days…….Bunch of Liars, Cowards and Con-Artist, they are……But I digress, with a glint in my eye.

No, what I’m talking about is the real reason we are seeing this curse on our nation, right now.

Daniel said, “Let the name of YHWH be blessed forever and ever, For wisdom and power belong to Him.”It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men And knowledge to men of understanding.”It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things; He knows what is in the darkness, And the light dwells with Him. Daniel 2:20–22

YHWH is the One who sets up Kings (men in power, i.e. “Powers That Be”) and tares those same men down, with all wisdom of light and darkness, all to fit His plan and agenda……Yes, people, those of you who would fall into the conspiracy camp of every foul thing that comes down the pike, there is a higher power than “The Powers That Be”. That power is YHWH.

And what is YHWH’s Agenda and would YHWH use evil men that He has set up and established in various positions to punish America?

You’re mighty damn right He would.

That’s two foul language words in this article, showing my disdain for what is happening in our nation right now…..I’m pissed………That’s three.

So, what is happening here and will we ever hear anyone with any sense at all come on the cable news talk shows and bring up this question of why?….Besides any of those Sunday Morning Clowns, heaping sugar and syrup on the topic with their “Jesus loves us and would never hurts us”, same ole same ole theology?

Let’s take a look at this “so called” Jesus’ words from Leviticus 26. I use the added words “So called” because that was not His name in the New Testament. Just another of the misguided teachings of Christianity.

Our Savior’s name was Yeshua. And yes, another shocker……The God of The Old Testament was this “so called” Jesus (Yeshua), translated falsely inb the Old Testament, “The LORD”, which should read “YHWH”. Thus, the One doing the talking in The Old Testament called “YHWH” was none other that The Very One, the world calls Jesus The Christ. But I digress. Hopefully, you can see why all that is important later in this article, as it shows the hypocrisy of The Christian Base who basically states, Jesus would never harm us for we are a Christian nation.

The very words of Our True Savior, YHWH in the Flesh (known as Yeshua, the Christ) are worth considering from Leviticus 26.

Leviticus chapter 26 is broken up into two sections. The first 13 verses tell of what YHWH will do for a nation that honors Him by keeping, upholding and guarding His Covenant Law (which is Exodus 20–23, Deuteronomy 4–31). However, verses 14 through 46 are the exact opposite in tone. In these 32 verses….One verse for each of the 32 chapters in Torah of Covenant Law, we find YHWH’s curses spelled out upon Israel, if they abhor His Covenant, dishonoring Him as we have done in this nation.

For this text I will leave in regular font and embolden the key words I want, to make my point here. Read the text, in fear and trembling of YHWH, for it is 100% applicable for this nation today, but then after reading and considering these words, just go back and count how many times the first person pronouns are used, signifying The One who brings all these curses upon Israel (America) in these last days. Those first person pronouns will be in bold letters. Look close they are very small, but powerful words, such as “I, My and Me”.

But if you do not heed me and do not keep all these commandments, if you reject my statutes and loathe my decrees, refusing to obey all my commandments and breaking my covenant, then I, in turn, will do this to you: I will bring sudden terror upon you — with consumption and fever to dim the eyes and sap the life. You will sow your seed in vain, for your enemies will consume the crop. I will turn against you, and you will be beaten down before your enemies and your foes will lord it over you. You will flee though no one pursues you.

If even after this you do not obey me, I will increase the chastisement for your sins sevenfold, to break the pride of your power. I will make the sky above you as hard as iron, and your soil as hard as bronze, so that your strength will be spent in vain; your land will bear no crops, and its trees no fruit.

If then you continue hostile, unwilling to obey me, I will multiply my blows sevenfold, as your sins deserve. I will unleash wild beasts against you, to rob you of your children and wipe out your livestock, till your population dwindles away and your roads become deserted.

If, with all this, you still do not accept my discipline and continue hostile to me, I, too, will continue to be hostile to you and I, for my part, will smite you for your sins sevenfold. I will bring against you the sword, the avenger of my covenant. Though you then huddle together in your cities, I will send pestilence among you, till you are delivered to the enemy. When I break your staff of bread, ten women will need but one oven for baking your bread, and they shall dole it out to you by weight; and though you eat, you shall not be satisfied.

If, despite all this, you disobey and continue hostile to me, I will continue in my hostile rage toward you, and I myself will discipline you for your sins sevenfold, till you begin to eat the flesh of your own sons and daughters. I will demolish your high places, overthrow your incense stands, and cast your corpses upon the corpses of your idols. In my loathing of you, I will lay waste your cities and desolate your sanctuaries, refusing your sweet-smelling offerings. So devastated will I leave the land that your enemies who come to live there will stand aghast at the sight of it. And you I will scatter among the nations at the point of my drawn sword, leaving your countryside desolate and your cities deserted. Then shall the land, during the time it lies waste, make up its lost sabbaths, while you are in the land of your enemies; then shall the land have rest and make up for its sabbaths during all the time that it lies desolate, enjoying the rest that you would not let it have on your sabbaths when you lived there.

Those of you who survive in the lands of their enemies, I will make so fainthearted that the sound of a driven leaf will pursue them, and they shall run as if from the sword, and fall though no one pursues them; stumbling over one another as if to escape a sword, while no one is after them — so helpless will you be to take a stand against your foes! You shall perish among the nations, swallowed up in your enemies’ country. Those of you who survive will waste away in the lands of their enemies, for their own and their ancestors’ guilt.

They will confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their ancestors in their treachery against me and in their continued hostility toward me, so that I, too, had to be hostile to them and bring them into their enemies’ land. Then, when their uncircumcised hearts are humbled and they make amends for their iniquity, I will remember my covenant with Jacob, and also my covenant with Isaac; and also my covenant with Abraham I will remember. The land, too, I will remember. The land will be forsaken by them, that in its desolation without them, it may make up its sabbaths, and that they, too, may make good the debt of their guilt for having spurned my decrees and loathed my statutes. Yet even so, even while they are in their enemies’ land, I will not reject or loathe them to the point of wiping them out, thus making void my covenant with them; for I, YHWH, am their Mighty One. I will remember for them the covenant I made with their forebears, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt before the eyes of the nations, that I might be their Mighty One. I am YHWH.

These are the statutes, decrees and laws which YHWH established between himself and the Israelites through Moses on Mount Sinai. Leviticus 26:14–46

By my count, YHWH used His Name via personal pronouns, 48 times in this text of curses to which He will bring upon our nation if we reject His covenant.

Question……Who was it that brought sudden terror upon our land September 11, 2001? Was it 19 terrorist? Was it George Bush and The Deep State or The Jews of modern day Israel? Was it The Illuminati? Hell No!!!

There I go again….But, oooooh, I’m angry.

It was YHWH!!! Notice the text:

“I will bring sudden terror upon you…..”

Later that year, 2001 into 2002, we had bird flu. The very next words mafter He appointed terror to us….

“— with consumption and fever to dim the eyes and sap the life.”

At that time, 2001 to 2008, the first seven years of these 35 years of plagues, we began to sow our seed in vain…..a brand new generation of worthless children (by in large) that we now see coming of age, who are loaded with brain damage (to quote Bill Cosby in the 80’s) and would know Their True Creator and King if He came to eat dinner with them. Notice the text:

You will sow your seed in vain, for your enemies will consume the crop (generation). I will turn against you, and you will be beaten down before your enemies and your foes will lord it over you. You will flee though no one pursues you.

Make no mistake, Israel’s enemies is “The Left”….Democrats led by George Soros, The Dragon of Revelation 12. Today, what do we see. This generation of kinds, playing right into “the Left’s” hands politically at every turn. And, during those seven years, we stayed in a state of terror as a nation, running when no one pursued us. Every few months a new terror attack, which turned out to be nothing. A shoe bomber. An underwear bomber……Makes me sick to see our people fall into such a state of mind.

And who was doing all of this to us? Was it Arabs, Bush or The Zionist? IT WAS YHWH!!!

Then seven years later, to the very phase of the moon, George Bush once again came on our TV’s opening His address to the nation, with these words, exactly seven times (years) after His address to the nation concerning 9–11.

YHWH’s words…… “I will break the pride of your power”. Our economy had become the power of which we, as a nation, were so proud of. LOL, but it gets worse. YHWH then goes on to say this:

I will make your heavens above you as hard as iron, and your land as hard as bronze, so that your strength will be spent in vain;

Key words, Heavens and Lands / Iron and Bronze.

Heavens = the highest levels of government / Land = The people under that government

Iron = Rome (taxation via regulation) / Bronze = Greece (socialism)

Interpretation……Barack Obama and his regulatory stronghold placed upon America, hell bent on destroying the American economy, fulfilling his goal of giving to the poor, while taking from the middle class, which is socialism, insuring the words “ so that your strength will be spent in vain;” would come to pass.

And who is doing all of this to America? Was George Bush? Was it Barack Obama? The Zionist? Arabs?

I, even I, YHWH…..He is The One bringing all these plagues upon our nation.

Has anyone ever come on any of the TV cable news shows to questions any of this? Maybe there’s a root cause…..and it’s us…..Americans are the problem.

Fast forward to 2015. What a year this was. Do you remember what was in the news that year. Two events were occurring that shocked the world.

1 — Syrians and Arabs of all nations were fleeing the middle east to the destruction of Israelite nations in Europe such as Sweden, Germany, Great Britain, France, and yes even America. A massive influx of the seed of Ishmael, who was called “A Wild Ass of a Man” or “A Beast”.

And he (Ishmael) shall be a wild ass of a man: his hand shall be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the face of all his brethren.’ Genesis 16:12

And what were these “Hellions” doing all this time? They were raping our young white girls to no end and getting away with it. It was and is a game to them. Robbing us of our children even more than ever before.

2 — We saw the man, Donald J Trump come down the escalator (June 16, 2015) with his lovely wife and now first lady, to announce that he was going to run for the office of President of THE UNITED STATES for the express purpose “Making America Great Again”, or in Bible terms, “To Restore and Rebuild Jerusalem”. Daniel 9:25.

Did he accomplish this task? No one with a brain would argue this fact. In three years, Donald Trump abolished ever possible regulatory crap job The Impostor and Unworthy Steward had placed upon us, in the eight years prior to His election. However, this accomplishment caused The Left to loose their damn minds (that’s four), as they waged war against everything Trump has done or said……And the results of such failed attacks against them has brought us to this place in time, 2020.

Make no mistake, we are still in this third sets of seven year plagues listed in Leviticus 26. This period will not end until the late Summer of 2022. Thus the statement:

“….till your population dwindles away and your roads become deserted.” Leviticus 26:22

…….is still very much in play. And what do we see today, March 22, 2020?

Our people all over the world are dying and our road and ways (lifestyle) is deserted and desolate.

And what do we hear from all the talking heads on the cable news programs?

Well, if they can take a break from attacking Trump or each other, long enough to get a word in edgewise, it’s all about how we can get out of this mess quickly. They actually think, if we can just get enough medical equipment and find a vaccine or the proper treatment medicine, and print enough money and get all that fake money in the hands of the business owners, who will then get it in the hands of the lay people of this nation, then we will be just fine and oh by the way……To Hell with you, YHWH….We are American Strong. We are THE UNITED STATES. We can not be the true problem, we are America.

There is another “key word” in Leviticus 26, we all need to pay close attention to………


YHWH says, “IF” you not will turn from your evil ways, then I will punish you seven times (years) more for your sins. How can we as a nation make such a turn, IF we do not even know or realize who it is, bringing all these plagues upon us and why? For no one has the critical thought or the understanding to actually put the pieces of the puzzle together to see the big picture.

Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hanity, Mark Livine, Alex Jones, Chris Plant, Bill Oriely……Seven Thunders who have a voice to ask these very important questions, then build upon those question, a house of repentance accordingly. Where are you guys? Will you not consider all of this as the real reason we, as a nation, continue to be in a state of plague all the time.

May YHWH bless you in your studies and may He bless and strengthen those who have a voice to grow some testicles to stand and lead our nation out of this crap.

Joey Thompson



Joey Thompson
Joey Thompson

Written by Joey Thompson

An ordained Elder in the ministry of YHWH, commissioned to restore truth at this end time. You can contact me via email at:

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