The Seven Heads and Ten Horns of The Democratic Party…….

Joey Thompson
8 min readSep 7, 2019


In order to understand the case I will be making here in this article, you will need to keep in mind some other teachings which lay a rock solid foundation for the subject at hand. These teaching are:

  1. America is the promised land of the biblical entity called Israel at the end of days.
  2. The founders of America were predestined descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel.
  3. The establishment of America began the process of fulfilling various prophecies in the old and new testament concerning the Kingdom of YHWH.
  4. There is a difference between “The united States of America” (small “u” intended) and “THE UNITED STATES”
  5. America was and is divided into north and south just as ancient Israel was divided into a Northern Kingdom (Israel, aka Ephraim)and a Southern Kingdom (Judah). These modern day lines spill over into political parties, Republican and Democratic and have less and less to do with geographical boundaries as in the days before and even after the civil war, but rather more and more to do with political ideologies which are at the heart and core of this discussion.

No one would argue, the south (Judah) is called the bible belt of America. It is called that because the good ole Rednecks of the South hold dearly to their Dear Hunting and football on Saturday and their Bible toting on Sunday, with hard work in between. In short they stand proudly with their rich protestant heritage. The gun toting reference is thrown in there because of an overlooked prophecy buried in The Book of Isaiah, chapter 22:8….

“And He removed the defense of Judah. In that day you depended on the weapons of the house of the forest”

The point being, Judah (America’s Southerners) place more trust in their weapons of the forest (guns)than they do in their “thought to be” God.

Northerners on the other hand, for the most part, openly deny both guns and God. Not all northerners, mind you. I’m not painting all demographics with na broad brush, but I am saying in general, there are differences between the beliefs and priorities of each group…..Northerners and Southerners / Democrats and Republicans.

The two party system we see today is a direct result of the establishment of THE UNITED STATES. Both parties existed before THE UNITED STATES, but the point being the other political parties were made extinct due to this change in power in the land of America.

A brief history of how and why The united States of America and THE UNITED STATES are two totally different entities.

Two great events occurred in the year 1619.

  1. The first vested government was established in the land of America via The House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
  2. The first slave was sold on the auction block, also in Virginia.

For the significance of these two events and how they fulfill biblical and covenanted prophecy tied directly to The House of Israel, please see my teaching on Slavery in America at:

157 years later, YHWH brought that same government to a codified status when The Founders penned The Declaration of Independence from our brother, Great Britain.

15 years later that same government was fixed with the framing of The united States of America Constitution, in 1891.

Make no mistake, I teach these steps were ordained, long ago, in the pages of scripture by Almighty YHWH and are the very infancy of His often spoken of Kingdom of YHWH, which was to be fully established in the coming days, shortly ahead of us at this very time in prophetic history.

This gospel of The Coming Kingdom of YHWH is based upon Covenant Law, which is broken down into the two great laws Christ Himself came to magnify….

  1. How to worship YHWH properly.
  2. How to live justly with your fellow man.

The main point being….The bible is not about religion, but rather, the scripture is all about law and government……The right kind of law and government, which is based upon freedom (see James 1:25).

That said, History shows great growing pains from our humble status of 13 nation states in 1791 to the post civil war bankruptcy of 37 nation states and an additional 11 territories that would become states in the coming years. Through it all, the one thing that remained was America resolve for the law of freedom……….But change was in the air, as The Enemy was working behind the scenes toward the establishment of a brand new corporation….Not a nation, called THE UNITED STATES.

For a better understanding as to the differences between The united States of America and THE UNITED STATES (capitalization is correct), please see the following wonderful web page:

The year was 1969. America was bankrupt and The Enemy had empowered Zionist Bankers to be in position to seize the moment in history, by hijacking America, suppressing freedom for regulation, not freeing any certain race of men, but rather making all men slaves via the bonding of human life for the purpose of creating wealth on an unprecedented level. This corporate entity was called THE UNITED STATES……..and The united States of America and its law of liberty government was placed in a state of captivity until this very day.

That said, allow me to make a point blank statement concerning The Beast of Revelation……

The Beast of Revelation is THE UNITED STATES and more specifically, The Democratic Party of THE UNITED STATES.

To be clear, The Beast of Revelation is actually the culmination of all the ancient world ruling empires…….There were seven in history. They are:








There are several text from The Book of Revelation, we need to take a look at:

Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. Revelation 13:1

And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness; and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns. Revelation 17:3

The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they receive authority as kings with the beast for one hour. Revelation 17:12

The point being the Beast of Revelation 13 and 17 has seven heads and ten horns. A head is a leader or power which reigns over two walls (parties). A horn would be the highest level of power, rising above even that of the head.

Notice closely the following chart giving us a graphical look at the breakdown of power in THE UNITED STATES government since the pre-civil war days until now. Remember, the beginning of the corporation called THE UNITED STATES began with the establishment of The District of Columbia in 1873.

The upper section of this chart shows the years each party held power in the Senate. The bottom section shows the year in which each party held power in the House of Representatives. The middle section shows the years each party held power in the Executive branch of government (The Presidency). The Democratic party is blue. The Republican party is red.

Notice this…….From 1873, There has been seven Democratic heads or seven times Democrats have risen to the office of Presidency, no matter how many years Democrats held office. From 1935 until 1955 the Democratic party had a man in the office of President, through four terms…..That only counts as one head, you see.

But, wait……Aren’t there eight heads counted? Yes…..This would be correct if you did not know there first two heads, from 1885 to 1889 and from 1893 to 1897 was the same man….Grover Cleveland, which counts as only one head. The back story behind why he lost the office in the election of 1888 is a fascinating one which shows The Democrats never really lost control of the Executive Branch of Government in the first place, but that’s for another day.

Thus the seven heads of this Democratic Beast System are the following seven times The Democratic Party held the office of Presidency:

1885 through 1897

1913 through 1921

1933 through 1953

1961 through 1969

1977 through 1981

1993 through 2001

2009 through 2017

Since we now have a Republican in office, if 2020 brings us a Democratic President elected to office, that would make 8, just as Revelation 17:10–11 says:

And they are seven kings; five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; and when he comes, he must remain a little while. The beast which was and is not, is himself also an eighth and is one of the seven, and he goes to destruction.

This eighth King is The King of Babylon (see Isaiah 14:3–4, Ezekiel 21:21–27), Barack Obama.

The ten horns are an even deeper level of power in THE UNITED STATES government. This is very clearly defined as the amount of times The Democratic party held all three branches of government, a majority in the House of Representatives, a majority in the Senate and The Office of President.

Check the chart….This has occurred nine times in THE UNITED STATES governmental history. These times are:

1887 through 1889 (Senate in a tie, Democratic VP to break tie) (266 days)

1893 through 1895 (2 years)

1913 through 1917 (4 years)

1933 through 1947 (14 years)

1949 through 1953 (4 years)

1961 through 1969 (8 years)

1977 through 1981 (4 years)

1993 through 1995 (2 years)

2009 through 2011 (2 years)

If you are paying attention, and if I am correct about this topic, the big political picture should be coming into focus right about now. There is coming yet one more time in UNITED STATES history in which The Dems will hold all three branches of government.

2020 promises to be some kind of chaotic election year. There are many other reasons why I’m laying my money on The Democrats to hold the House and take back the Senate and Presidency in November 2020, but none more fitting than the reason listed in this article.

Then there is the statement made in Revelation 17:12, quoted earlier.

The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they receive authority as kings with the beast for one hour.

What is meant by the statement, The beast will have power for one hour? Well, the answer fits hand and glove with the evidence brought forth already, and here it is.

The Apostle Peter writes:

But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with YHWH one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.

The reference to The Beast having power for “one hour” certainly is in YHWH’s time. So, lets do a little math.

A day is 1000 years. A day have 24 hours. 1000 / 24 = 41.6667 years.

Now back to our list above showing the number of years The Democrats held all three branches of government, total power via The House, Senate, and The Presidency. Would you like to guess how many years that has been in the historical time of THE UNITED STATES?

That would be 40 years and 266 days, or 40.728 years of power. Meaning the amount of time The Dems have left is less than one year after they are elected fully back into power once again…..Lending us a detailed peak into some of the timing of The Beast of Revelation…….The Democratic Party of THE UNITED STATES……Babylon.

This article simply scratched the surface of the depths of evidence of who Israel is. Who end time Babylon is. What the coming Government / Kingdom of YHWH is. If you have any questions or comments or would like to know just how deep this subject reaches into the destruction of Churchianity’s deceptions, please feel free to contact me. May YHWH bless you in your studies of His Word.

Joey Thompson



Joey Thompson
Joey Thompson

Written by Joey Thompson

An ordained Elder in the ministry of YHWH, commissioned to restore truth at this end time. You can contact me via email at:

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