Joey Thompson
13 min readNov 18, 2019


The “u”nited States of America versus THE UNITED STATES.

The key word in the sub-title is “versus”. In the beginning these two opposed one another but at this end time, these two are actually in bed with one another…….But I am already too far out in front for the read. So, a little back ground to lay a foundation.

The reader has to know the following points.

  1. America is the end time promised land of Israel. We know this from Deuteronomy 8:9, as well as a ton of other passage that point toi this very fact and even more history.
  2. The main objective of “The Gospel of Christ” is all a bout the establishment of YHWH’s government here on this earth. It is not about personal salvation, but rather the preparation of The Saints toward filling positions within that coming government. That was the original purpose of The Church Yeshua built.
  3. End time prophecy deal solely with this end time nation of Israel. Churchianity is not a factor, at all. Not the Catholic church of any such Christian or Jewish entity.

So, lets dive right in……The Gospel is defined by Christ Himself as, “The Coming Kingdom of YHWH” Luke 16:16

The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John; since that time the gospel of the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it.

A kingdom is broken up into four entities. They are:

  1. A King
  2. A land
  3. A people
  4. Law

So, lets very quickly identify these entities.

The King is YHWH. Now, anyone who follows what I teach would know, YHWH is a family name. A family that has One Supreme Head, The One Yeshua came to reveal of which we know as The Father. All four of these aspects of the makeup of a Kingdom are lengthy topics of discussion within themselves, but for know just know The King of The Coming Kingdom of YHWH is YHWH.

The land is America. This rubs people the wrong way, I know……But, hear me out on this. Christians falsely believe The Promised land is in heaven. Revelation 5:10 shoots that down, totally.

You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth.

Any Jewish based Believers believe YHWH’s Kingdom will be established in the middle eastern land of Israel. There are so many scriptures that entrench the fact, YHWH has rejected the middle eastern land of Jerusalem Israel, removing His name from there, to never be placed there ever again, it boggles my mind. That said, here are just a few……

“Nevertheless, YHWH did not turn away from the fury of His burning anger, which was kindled against Judah because of all that Manasseh had done to provoke Him to anger. YHWH said, “I will remove Judah also from My sight, as I have removed Israel. And I will cast off Jerusalem, this city which I have chosen, and the temple of which I said, ‘My name shall be there.’” 2Kings 23:26–27

“In that day I will raise up the fallen booth of David, And wall up its breaches; I will also raise up its ruins And rebuild it as in the days of old; That they may possess the remnant of Edom And all the nations who are called by My name,” Declares YHWH who does this.” Amos 9:11–12

The truth is, the promised land, and the land in which YHWH will establish His Kingdom, is America. Notice the before mentioned Deuteronomy 8:9:

“A land where you will eat food without scarcity, in which you will not lack anything; a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills you can dig copper.”

There are two witnesses within this passage against this land being in the middle east and at the same time for this land being America.

  1. Recorded in scripture, there are 12 different famines in the land of Israel, today called Palestine. Yet, recorded in all of world history, America has never had a famine…..ever.
  2. There simply no hills in the middle east which contain iron or copper mines…..None. Yet since America’s founding, no land has produced more iron and copper than America.

Another quick point, among many that could be made directly from scripture is this….There are two promised lands within the writings of Moses, people falsely call Torah. The land from Egypt to The Euphrates was promised to Abraham’s descendants (Esau, Ishmael and Jacob/Israel)….But there was a second promised land professed to just Jacob/Israel’s descendants, that of Deuteronomy 8, and once given in the the early 17th century (1619) to be exact, the middle eastern promised land was owned solely by the Arabs of Esau and Ishmael’s descendants, just as Amos 9:11–12 says.

The People are the 13 tribes of Israel. The Anglo Saxon / Caucasian peoples of Central and Eastern Europe descendant America, are the end time nation of Israel. Add to this people, all the Gentiles who have joined the nation of Israel, recognizing YHWH blessing, who will follow the covenant law that will be established in this nation will make up the sum total of “The People” of this coming Kingdom.

The Law is Covenant Law. Covenant Law is one foundation, but many forms. That foundation is codified within the pages of a little known book, within your Bible called “The Book of The Covenant” (Exodus 24:7, 2Kings 23:2), also called “The Book of The Law” (Deuteronomy 30:10, 2Kings 22:8). It is little known because so few people consider its other application within the bible……The very testimony of Yeshua, The Christ.

The codification of these law are found in the following sections of The Scripture:

Exodus 20 through 23

Deuteronomy 4 through 31

Joshua 23 through 24

There is a modern day, very well know document, we would all know, founded upon the words in these chapters of your Bible……The Constitution of The united States of America (capitalization is correct, small “u” intended).

Notice I did not say, THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION…….a totally different entity and yes, both exist.


There are two governments in our nation today. They are:

The united States of America



The following website draws an excellent distinction between these two governments:

A quick history of America’s governmental history and how it ties directly to the end time prophecies of the bible.

YHWH blessed Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with a two fold blessing. One side of that blessing was physical, one side spiritual. The spiritual side culminated in the embodied Yeshua Messiah through the bloodline of Judah, the son of Jacob/Israel. The physical side is the topic of our discussion here and was to deal with a government and a land and a people, and was of course to be based upon Covenant Law.

From Jacob/Israel, that blessing was passed not to any of Jacob’s sons but rather to Jacob’s grandsons (Joseph’s sons) Manasseh and Ephraim. The story is told in Genesis 48 but you’ll only get the Reader’s Digest version now.

Manasseh the older was to become a single great nation at the end time….Great Britain, complete with all its Israelite history and symbolism.

Ephraim, however, the younger was to become a Great Multitude (fullness) of nations, as in 50 nation states…..The united States of America. The number 50 is key….it is the number of the Jubilee of Israel, in its fullness……And, its founding is also numbered symbolically. There were 13 original colonies. One colony for each of the tribes of Israel, Joseph receiving a double portion (Genesis 48:22).

The time setting of this final codified blessing of Abraham found in Genesis 48 and 49 is found in 49:1…..It is the end of days or the end time.

“And Jacob called his sons and said, “Gather together, that I may tell you what shall befall you in the last days:”

There is another very key scriptural sign of the establishment of YHWH’s government in America found in the understanding of a very taboo subject in today’s society which is The Black Slaves. You can read about this scripture fact in the following teaching:

The shortened version says this. Joshua made a covenant with The Negro Gibeonites of the stock of Hamm’s sons, the race of Hivites. This was outside the will of YHWH, for the command was to never make any kind of covenant with these people, see Deuteronomy 7:1–6.

The covenant said, as long as Israel was an established government, these Hivites would be Israel’s slaves, forever, for better or worse.

This union between the two nations was prophesied in Isaiah 14:1–2:

“When YHWH will have compassion on Jacob and again choose Israel, and settle them in their own land, then strangers will join them and attach themselves to the house of Jacob. The peoples will take them along and bring them to their place, and the house of Israel will possess them as an inheritance in the land of YHWH as male servants and female servants; and they will take their captors captive and will rule over their oppressors.”

In 1619, two great events took place, in America, which fulfilled this Isaiah 14 prophecy:

  1. The very first codified government was established in The America’s, called The House of Burgesses. This occurred in the colony of Virginia.
  2. The very first Negro slave was sold on the auction block in the port of Virginia.

The laws put forth in the House of Burgesses government were “Book of The Covenant” based, as were all the laws, statutes, judgments and ordinances which made up every Colonial / State government from 1619 until The Civil War ended.

As America grew, the next codified set of laws of importance worth mentioning would have been the “Articles of Confederation” and finally “The Constitution of The united States of America”. The authors of both these documents (Our Founding Fathers) were intense disciples of the teachings of YHWH through Moses via Covenant Law.

An absolute great resource for this topic is David Barton’s website:

David Barton’s research is invaluable in showing the divine intervention into the step by step process YHWH Himself had in the Biblical Based government this nation was established on. The scripture played a major foundational role in the mind’s of the men and women which shaped the Statehood of this nation and eventually the Federal Government called “The “u”nited States of America” (again, Capitalization correct, little”u” intended).

A careful study of the history of America and how its government has morphed from a YHWH established nation into a Babylonian based corporation mascaraing as a nation call THE UNITED STATES (Capitalization very important), will reveal an eyes opened look into the deceptions of The Enemy upon The people and nation of America. The following 14 minute video lays this foundation quite well:

The web of our nation’s governmental history can be quite difficult to untangle before one can begin to see the the biblical ramifications of America’s history as told and prophesied in scripture…..but believe me, it is all there. For starters, if you are bible student, just think for a moment about all the stories, uses, points, and uses of the battles between land and sea.

The Creation Story as land appeared out of the Sea which covered the earth.

Noah saved from the rising flood waters, finally finding dry land via the dove of peace.

YHWH attacking the Nile via blood.

Moses leading Israel through the Red Sea on dry land on their march to the promised land. (Red being the color of debt).

Moses striking the rock that produced water in a dry wilderness.

Again, Israel passing through the Jordan on dry land.

Yeshua walking on the water of The Sea of Galilee.

The Apostle Paul being saved from the depths of the Sea, after being ship wrecked.

The Beast which rises up out of the Sea in Revelation and The Beast which rises up out of The Land.

The countless references to water and its ties to the banking system we know and use today. The rivers have banks. Water flows like money. The currency of money is like the current of a river, etc…..All work to show the true god of this Beast system…….Money.

Land in scripture, however, is exactly the opposite. It is totally void of water. Land is a typology of Covenant based law. The law of liberty and freedom, apart from code law, which is regulation and commerce. Zion, which is the direct symbolism used in scripture for Covenant Law is defined as dry, parched land. Zion is the fulfillment of the basis of governmental law going forth when The Government of YHWH is fully established on earth. Notice Micah 4:1–2:

But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of YHWH shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it.

2 And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of YHWH, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of YHWH from Jerusalem.

A mountain in prophecy is a form of government. A hill is a smaller form of government, such as local or state government. So, the statement “ for the law shall go forth of Zion” Is a hidden clue as to the type of law this government will be based upon and here is a hint……It has nothing to do with water. It’s all dry land……Zion.

This foundation brings us to a change which occurred in America’s governmental history. A change brought forth by…….You guessed it…….Money.

The united States of America government was bankrupt after the civil war in the 1860’s. By 1869, London based Jewish Bankers had devised an ancient way to retake America and bring it under the rule of the King once again…..This time it would be a slave system based upon the Judicial system falling under the BAR (British Accredited Registry) and the Babylonian based banking system of The Jews which has its roots in ancient Babylon, the very same place Judaism has it’s roots.

The system we speak of here is an Admiralty Law based (law of the sea), regulatory, judicial system, which creates money out of thin air from each person’s worth via a bond created when each person is born. The more people accredited with life, the more money and wealth, created for the powers that be to work with in there slavery of those persons.

Very few people know, your birth certificate is a documented contract between you and the state. It is the very first Adhesion contract you will sign in your lifetime. If you are not familiar with the term “adhesion contract”, here is a very good video lending the foundational teachings concerning these contracts and how they are used to enslave every living person in today’s society:

Two witnesses or parties are required to sign an adhesion contract. These would be the buyer and seller. Concerning your birth certificate. The seller is your mother and the buyer is the state. You are the entity being bought and yes you agree, via the foot print signature. This methodology of buying and selling souls into slavery has its roots squarely in the Bible.

Jacob (Israel) grabbed the heel or foot of Esau as he was breaking the womb (Genesis 25:26) and eventually stole the birth right and the Abrahamic blessing from His brother Esau. Turn about being fair play, Esau (The Jews) are doing the exact same thing to Israel today via the birth certificate and all ensuing adhesion contracts.

These contracts (driver’s license, car loans, home loans, insurance policies, and even death certificates, etc.) work to establish the fiduciary base of The Admiralty Law Government instituted when America’s original government went bankrupt in the 1860’s, after the civil war, called THE UNITED STATES.

This brand new government / corporation, established by Jewish / British bankers from London was supported by the slavery of the people of America and was established by The Democratic Party of The United States.

It is from this very basic background information (of which there is so much more detail) that we can very clearly make the following profound statement which finally gets to the point of the article………

The Beast of Revelation is THE UNITED STATES.

And, to take that statement further, this Beast has two parties. The originators, the Democratic Party and The Republican Party, as described in Revelation 13.

The first Beast rises up out of the Sea (The Admiralty Law based, freedom hating, socialistic loving, regulation loving, slave owners of the Democratic party, with seven heads (rises to the presidency) and ten horns (total power holding all three houses, Presidency, House and Senate), with ten crowns (commissions or statement of beliefs, see the Democratic Party website for their platform of beliefs.

One of the heads (the last one, Barack Obama) has a deadly wound (that being he has served two full terms) that will be healed and Obama will once again rule America, in some form or fashion. This is spelled out again in Revelation 17:11 speaking of the typology of The King of Babylon (Obama) resurrected after the seven times of Daniel 4 has passed over that Kingdom, as the deadly wound is healed and the fullness of Babylon is brought back to life for judgment in this end time. Details of that teaching are forthcoming in another article.

The second Beast looks an awful lot like Christian (two horns of a lamb) but it gives all it authority to the fullness of the Beast (THE UNITED STATES) via all its patriotic support and the support and love of capitalism (the love of money), all in the name of Christianity.

This second Beast, originally grew out of the liberty of the original government founded upon YHWH’s covenant law in this nation, as it began in the early 1600’s growing into the events of the founding fathers in the 1770’s through the 1790’s, but as time went by and that government and nation grew lean because of the civil war, the party that once held those values of covenant law eventually bought into the greater good of Babylon, THE UNITED STATES, allowing The united States of America to wane and die.

Today, both parties Democratic (King of The North, see Daniel 11) and Republican (King of the South, see Daniel 11) sit at the same table speaking lies to deceive and further enslave the American People (Israel). This system is Babylon, see Revelation 17:5 and it will fall a second time. Babylon is fallen, is fallen (Revelation 14:8, 18:2, Jeremiah 51:8, Isaiah 21:9)

While covering a lot of foundational ground and only scratching the surface of the depths of information, the goal of this article is to cause you, The Believer in YHWH and His Anointed One, to think deeply at how The Church has deceived its laity into thinking religiously, instead of governmentally, which is the true meaning of the gospel of the coming Kingdom or Government of YHWH.

May The Almighty bless you in your studies.

Joey Thompson



Joey Thompson
Joey Thompson

Written by Joey Thompson

An ordained Elder in the ministry of YHWH, commissioned to restore truth at this end time. You can contact me via email at:

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