The Women of Revelation 12

Joey Thompson
5 min readDec 15, 2019


Yes, that’s correct…..Women.

I’m not sure I will be able to convey what I see concerning this subject of not, but I’m going to try. There are many women in scripture. The point of this teaching is, all women of scripture hold a characteristic that will be manifested in the Revelation 12 woman. In other words, The greatest quality in the women of scripture will be found in this end time entity called The Woman. I hope to be able to show these qualities broken down from each of the examples.

There are at least three views on who or what The Woman of Revelation 12 actually is.

  1. An actual woman who comes on the scene at the end time who plays a role between The King and The Priest in the coming government.
  2. A group of Believers who manifest the teachings of Covenant, especially concerning The Sun, Moon and Stars and what those heavenly bodies represent.
  3. No one single physical person or group at all, but rather an actual sign the heavens marking a time in history, such as Virgo The Virgin.

Personally, I believe The Woman of Revelation 12 is a combination of all three views, but that is for another discussion. My goal in this writing is to show the characteristics of The Woman of Revelation 12 and how these are manifested from a larger picture from genesis to Revelation in scripture.

So, allow me to list the women of scripture we will take a look at:

Eve, Sarah, Rebecca, Leah, Rachel, Tamar, Mariam, Deborah, Jael, Ruth, Michal, Bathsheba, The Queen of Sheba, Ester, Mary The Mother of Yeshua and finally Mary Magdalene.

Buckle up, here we go…..

Eve — What is Eve known for? This may shock so people but please don’t knock it if you have never considered it, but Eve was the first Adulteress. Eve lay with The Nachash (Translated Serpent) of Genesis 3:1. This was the forbidden fruit, known as taking the apple. The Nachash was the Tree of The Knowledge (as in sexual knowledge) of Good and Evil. Key word here, Adulteress.

Sarah — Sarah is best known for being beautiful, but barren. Her inability to bear children to a man (Abraham) who was promised a great physical seed line and her patients there in, even when she laughed, was rewarded via the seed of Isaac, which produced the bloodline of the foundation of YHWH’s coming Government here on earth. More on this later.

Rebecca — The wife of Isaac is best known for her cunning, and yet debatable deceit in her “ole switch-a-roo” of Jacob in place of Esau. Truth be known though, the point I would like to bring up here is this…..She knew who Israel was. More on this as well.

Leah — All Leah wanted was Jacob/Israel’s love. It’s really sad, but so true. Sometimes, effort or desire simply isn’t enough.

Rachel — The true love of Jacob’s life was Rachel, but Rachel is a second witness to the barren aspect of The Revelation 12 woman. We will get into the Sarah / Rachel from scripture later, as well.

Tamar — The daughter in law of Judah, Tamar is best known for her cunning, yet debatable deceit in her handling of the matter of being childless. Where have we witnessed this before? Cunning, Deceit, childless, even an Adulteress. Now, granted, being barren and childless is not quite the same thing, there are still qualities here that fit The Woman of Revelation 12, all the same.

Mariam — The sister of Aaron and Moses, Mariam plays a family role between The King (Moses) and The Priest (Aaron). While not perfect in this matter, Mariam still holds that office in the wilderness, no less (see Revelation 12:6 & 14).

Deborah — Best known for being a warrior and judge, Deborah’s relationship to The Revelation 12 Woman may lie with The Song of Deborah, which recounts the characteristics and nature of the tribes of Israel, in her praise of YHWH in victory. If you are keeping track, that’s two witnesses in this area.

Jael — Praised of Deborah in her song, Jael is cunning and wise and strong enough to take action of a warrior. Hailing from the bloodline of Moses’s father in law, the very one Mariam had a problem accepting as family. “As The World Turns” in the biblical soap opera, as YHWH continues to improve upon the women of scripture, building the perfected, regenerated Woman of Revelation 12.

Ruth — Ruth is best known for her patients and loyalty to the family of Israel. Cloaked as a Moabite, which she was not, being an Israelite by blood, Ruth still had to follow covenant lawful procedure to procure a husband. Like Tamar, thought to be a Gentile as well, mistakenly, this kind of patients paid off in actually mothering the bloodline of Christ.

Michal — Maybe the most intriguing Revelation 12 woman of scripture, Michal plays the role of Adulteress flawlessly in righteousness. Via no fault of her own, she becomes an Adulteress to The King and of The King. And yes, Michal is the second witness to being childless, which is different to be barren. One more tie, not yet mentioned yet. Michal is a Benjaminite….The most important of all the end time tribes of Israel. More on little Benjamin later.

Bathsheba — The epitome of an Adulteress, but at the behest of The King, Bathsheba is an alluring female figure. The Mother is Solomon, who is a type of Christ in so many ways, Bathsheba, like Michal fills her role in scriptural female history, via no fault of her own.

The Queen of Sheba — It is within the fullness of understanding from The Song of Solomon, featuring The Queen of Sheba, The King and an vastly unknown Shepherd Boy (a Priest in typology) which brings this subject to light. Within this story lies the depth of typology which would take several volumes of books to uncover. Suffice to say, The Queen of Sheba is the closest thing we might have to The Woman of Revelation 12. More on this later.

Ester — Is there a woman of scripture, more wise that Ester? Enough said.

Mary, The Mother of Christ — Surprisingly, there isn’t a lot of information concerning Mary in scripture. Yet of all women in scripture, Mary is thought to be the woman of Revelation 12 incarnate. Mary’s characteristic addition to this subject might lie with her tribal bloodline. Many believe Mary was physically of Judah. Not so, Mary and Elizabeth her cousin were of the tribe of Levi, priest in Israel. Thus Mary had a good understanding of Judah, being married to Joseph, of Judah and Levi. This tribal contribution can not be left out of the equation. Judah was made up of Judah, Benjamin and Levi.

And finally Mary Magdalene — It is believed and I agree, Yeshua was married to Mary Magdalene. History show, Mary Magdalene was a Benjaminite, pulling in a second witness to the equation in that area. Personally, I do not believe Yeshua The Christ could qualify as Our High Priest being unmarried. He also could not have been tempted in every way as the scripture says being unmarried. And, He would have had to had children to become an accepted Priest in Israel. In Mary Magdalene, we have the all allusive typology of the Bride of Christ.

I’ll close part one of this subject here. In part two, I will address what it will take to mediate between a King and a Priest…..For this is the true role of The Woman of Revelation 12.

May YHWH bless you in your studies.

Joey Thompson



Joey Thompson
Joey Thompson

Written by Joey Thompson

An ordained Elder in the ministry of YHWH, commissioned to restore truth at this end time. You can contact me via email at:

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