True Social Justice… A Leftist’ Nightmare
Chapter 17 of “The Book of The Covenant” A Witness Against America
The next section of Covenant Law is quite tough to take if you are of the mindset of Modernity, which would include 99% of all people of the Western world today. The Eastern mindset percentage, while working its way down the same path, would be much lower concerning some of these subjects. It must be noted, The Bible was written under an Eastern mindset umbrella, which is to say, there was no western modernism to compare to, at least until the Empire of Rome was full blown. There was only avenues of righteousness leading to success and blessing, hailing from Covenant Law in scripture, as opposed to a rejection of Covenant Law, which became the foundation for modernity of The West, in the name of Liberalism, leading to ultimate unhappiness and self inflicted curses.
Thus, just about anyone in the West and certainly those of Christianity, reading this section of Covenant Law will shun the concept completely based on their foundation of liberalism, of which we were all born into. Women’s liberation, liberty to choose a twisted path with very few taught consequences, homosexuality, gender confusion, and the reliance upon the drug induced medical industry worldwide for all our curses that have fallen upon us, are just a few of the areas to which our nation has been ensnared in the trap of unrighteousness.
For the purpose of a full explanation, we will quote a section of this portion of The Book of The Covenant dealing with Social Justice, then lend commentary to aid in how each said points are applicable in society today. The commentary is in no way the single only meaning to the text. Fact is, there are many relevant implications we could apply toward society today, even to the extent of many pages in a book.
So, here we go….
“If a man seduces a virgin who is not betrothed and lies with her, he shall give the bride-price for her and make her his wife. If her father utterly refuses to give her to him, he shall pay money equal to the bride-price for virgins. Exodus 22:16–17
What jumps off the page at the reader is the fact, the young damsel has no say so whatsoever in who she spends the rest of her life with in the above hypothetical case of law. To be blunt, via this example of Covenant Law and others substantive instances of YoHeWaH’s Law, it can be said, Women are never free in the way men are free. It is a matter of essential law, women are always under some form of male authority…. A covering. Nothing short of property for the entirety of their lives, from childhood until death.
This no doubt offends even the most stalwart Disciples of Christ and of scripture. Why is this the case? Would it not be because of our people’s western modern mindset taught to us from before grade school to grave? We believe so. However, it is fair to ask why would The Almighty create such a seemingly unfair system for half of all Humankind to live in? The answer to that question falls under the category of Typology.
The point has already been made in chapter 14 entitled, “Covenant Woman, A Typology Of Believers”, however it bears repeating within the context of what Modernity calls social justice.
There is a typological lesson at work pointing to the process at salvation. Within the family structure of Husband, Wife and Children, a heavenly shadow rises. The Husband is like unto God. The Children (Son) is like unto Christ….. But who or what is the Wife like unto? The before mentioned physical/spiritual typology is a great mystery to most all Believers, but one of great value.
Here is a great mystery revealed. The Woman or Wife in the equation is mankind. Like any given human female, all of mankind is under a spiritual covering or authority of some sort, whether they know it or not. The two authorities covering the human race are YoHeWaH, through the shed blood of Christ, and YoHeWaH, via the broken covenant of The Enemy of necessity, HaSatan…. i.e. a covering of Good or or a covering of Evil. The legislation of Good is Covenant Law and the licentiousness of Evil is the abolishment of said Covenant Law. Thus YoHeWaH’s Law of Liberty is the measuring stick of the authority any given person falls under. Gaurd and observe it with your whole heart, then YoHeWaH, The Father becomes your covering / authority. Reject Covenant Law and the one who covers you by default is The Enemy. Either way, if you are human, you are covered by some authority.
When we consider the process of personal salvation, and compare it the conception of physical life, it can be said the comparison looks like this.
It begins with the wedding ceremony of Baptism, the death or drowning of the old person into the newly washed person of repentance, clean for the first time, making a commitment to walk as a bride adorned for The Husband (YoHeWaH), consummated via the conception of The Laying on of Set Apart hands of The Eldership within the ministry of Christ, immediately after Baptism. This laying on of “holy” hands is like unto the impregnation of the Male Sperm of YoHeWaH’s Holy Spirit into the womb of the human mind, imparting the embryo of eternal life, if that life is brought to a full term birth via prayer, fasting, meditation and bible study.
The terms and conditions of the above said spiritual marriage is Covenant Law, which was embodied by the physical life of Yeshua The Messiah almost two thousand years ago. So, whether a Believer is physically a male or female, being a Believer makes that person a spiritual female in the process of salvation under the covering and authority of the husband, YoHeWaH, The Father.
It also must be noted, a Non-Believer falls under the same authority, but a different office of male. YoHeWaH in the case of the Non-Believer holds the office of creator, as in a Father creates a newly born offspring, not yet to the level of being ready for marriage. So YoHeWaH plays both the role of Husband to Believers and Father to Non-Believers. Either way, from a spiritual perspective, all humanity is under the covering / authority of a Male in typology. In the same way, fulfilling the physical/spiritual typology, all physical females are under the covering /authority of a male, whether it be their physical father or their husband or even the veil of widowhood. This lesson of the veil or head covering is spelled out by The Apostle Paul in his first epistle to the Assembly of Believers in Corinth. Note this text, with explanation inserted within parentheses.
“Now I (Paul) commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I delivered them to you. But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is YoHeWaH, (The Father). Every man who prays or prophesies with his (physical) head covered dishonors his head (Christ), but every wife who prays or prophesies with her (physical) head uncovered dishonors her head (Her Husband), since it is the same as if her head were shaven. For if a wife will not cover her head, then she should cut her hair short. But since it is disgraceful for a wife to cut off her hair or shave her head, let her cover her head. For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of YoHeWaH, but woman is the glory of man. For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. That is why a wife ought to have a symbol of authority (covering) on her head, because of the angels. Nevertheless, in YoHeWaH, woman is not independent of man nor man of woman (They, both man and woman, are female in the salvational equation); for as woman was made from man, so man is now born of woman. And all things are from YoHeWaH. Judge for yourselves: is it proper for a wife to pray to YoHeWaH with her head uncovered? Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him, but if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For her hair is given to her for a covering. If anyone is inclined to be contentious, we have no such practice, nor do the Assemblies of YoHeWaH.” 1Corinthians 11:2–16
The above text spells out the governmental order within the physical/spiritual house, as Paul lays out several typologies based upon the family structure of worship and governance. In short a woman must have two complete coverings. One is physical…. Her hair. The other is Spiritual, her birth father or in the case of the above example, her husband. If she is found void of one of these, she risk falling into the trap of being bate for The “Fallen” Angels that embody evil men who are too willing to ruin a damsel's life via bad marriages or worse, a typology of Non-Covenant Guarding Believers.
There is much more to this subject to which an entire book of information can be listed but for now just know, the seemingly male domination of Covenant Law concerning women, certainly are the roots of some of the purest forms of Christianity lost to the western world today, in lue of liberalism.
So, with the above explanation in mind, we hope you can see, there is a very good reason, women are the property of men, for Believers are the property (bond slaves) of YoHeWaH and the typology is true. As in heaven above, so on earth below. This theme of typology runs throughout scripture, if you have eyes to see and ears to hear.
“You shall not permit a sorceress to live.” Exodus 22:18.
In the Old Testament Hebrew, the word translated sorceress, roots to the word that means witchcraft or wise craft. It denotes the whispering of spells for cure. The revealing of secret mystery cures for illnesses. In the New Testament, this concept had morphed into the use of natural cures such as the cutting of roots, what we would call today natural homeopathic medicine. The Greek word for this is Pharmacia, the root of our English word Pharmacy.
You have to understand the foundation of the above command to never allow a sorceress or wise craft wizard to live, begins from the knowledge, YoHeWaH is our doctor and the giver of good health accordingly. He is a jealous Mighty One. His Covenant Law hold explicit promises of blessings and good health to those who gaurd said law. Once more there is no mystery to Covenant Law. It’s not hard to observe and the fruit thereof is evident for all to see. However, if there is readily available mystery cures, Pharmacia, to be the covering and atonement for breaking or even abolishing Covenant Law, resulting in the curse of illness, then YoHeWaH’s goodness and plan for mankind is obstructed, causing a need to the process of reconciliation back to the Father, a much harder row to hoe than intended.
No doubt, with an understanding of the present day technology of modern medicine, via ever increasing knowledge of such things, the western mindset could never understand the concept of true prevention through the education and observance of Covenant Law. The genuine faith it would take to stand upon the promises of YoHeWaH, laid out within the Blessings and Cursing chapters of YoHeWaH’s Law itself, would fulfill YoHeWaH’s word to all peoples as a true witness to His Glory. See Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28.
However, if explained to each person individually and the choices between observance and rejection were distinctly and fully understood, spelling out the blessings and health of observing Covenant Law void of any need for Pharmacia (ancient sorcery)…. Or choosing to keeping the status quo of doctors and drugs….. What do you as the reader think most people would choose? Each person would have to weigh what it would take to train their minds to observe YoHeWaH’s Law. Some would not choose that way and it would mean isolation for those who do. In short, you can’t put the toothpaste back into the tube. Our nation and the world in general are tied to the destructive anecdotes of modern sorcery.
“Whoever lies with an animal (Beast of The Field) shall be put to death. Exodus 22:19
While there are those who have sexual relations with actual animals, sickening as it may be, such detail is not the full meaning of the above text. Most Believers would find it impossible to contemplate as true, but there are human “Beast of the Field” in YoHeWaH’s creation. The depths of this subject is untouchable within western modernity and certainly within Christendom and yet, it is all throughout scripture in various forms.
Despite the misunderstood concept hailing from our founding fathers in America, via the words of the Declaration of Independence, all men ARE NOT created equal. All men are created equal under the law of liberty, to which Constitutional law is founded. Applying the implied words, under the law of liberty to the statement “All men are created equal” penned by Jefferson almost 2.5 centuries ago, then what we are about to explain begins to make sense.
The Western Mind is turned inside out at this notion of inequality at birth. It speaks to the so called racist white privilege of Caucasians as compared to the unrefined black injustice of all other races in the world today. You have to understand, the goal of The Left is to create the misconception of equality through diversity based opportunities at every turn. The evidence is apparent to all who have eyes to see, there is an unequal creation of the races in our world today from the get go. Even The Left acknowledges this and The Right are willingly blind to this fact, but that is because they have been dumbed down against such knowledge.
The goal of the Covenant Lawless Left, which includes most of Christendom is to bring up what YoHeWaH has sentenced to be low and to abase what YoHeWaH has elevated accordingly. The question then becomes why would YoHeWaH create such degrees of standing?
That question will be fully answered in the above named chapter of this work, but for now just know, there are indeed a disequilibrium within the rank of human beings and the basis of defining one status over another is most certainly race, to the shrills of The Left Leaning Western Christian World today. At the core of such an understanding is whether or not any given human being has the capability of obtaining eternal life. You have to understand salvation is simply not offered to everyone at any given time in history. The shocking fact is, everyone earns his or her opportunity at the process of salvation, via past lives lived.
Further more, Covenant Law was given first and foremost to Israel, for their instruction. However, anyone of any race or standing can take up Covenant Law as their own and live by it, for a fast track toward their own personal salvation opportunity in the next lifetime, as well as reaping the physical blessings of Covenant observance in the life being lived now. This concept is spelled out best in the following text:
“Thus says YoHeWaH: “Keep justice, and do righteousness, for soon my salvation will come, and my righteousness be revealed. Blessed is the man who does this, and the son of man who holds it fast, who keeps the Sabbath, not profaning it, and keeps his hand from doing any evil.” Let not the son of the foreigner who has joined himself to YoHeWaH say, “YoHeWaH will surely separate me from his people”; and let not the eunuch say, “Behold, I am a dry tree.” For thus says YoHeWaH: “To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, who choose the things that please me and hold fast my covenant, I will give in my house and within my walls a monument and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off. “And the son of the foreigners who join themselves to YoHeWaH, to minister to him, to love the name of YoHeWaH, and to be his servants, everyone who keeps the Sabbath and does not profane it, and holds fast my covenant — these I will bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer; their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” YoHeWaH, Your Mighty One who gathers the outcasts of Israel, declares, “I will gather yet others to him besides those already gathered.” Isaiah 56:1–8
The point being, there is a process of salvation which spans many lifetimes, regenerated back into the flesh, affording levels of blessings of opportunities and privileges', as well as levels of curses, leading to the disfunction of opportunities to the level of what is poorly translated animal or beast of the field. YoHeWaH commands Israel to segregate themselves in marriage to individuals marked by such curses, else His Covenant Law promises will seem disavowed. Laying with a cursed human being, poorly translated “beast” or “animal”, procreating with what the scripture calls unclean (see Deuteronomy 12:15) has set apart implications for the nation of Israel. Again, a unsightly understanding within the Leftist Universal Christian theology.
“Whoever sacrifices to any god, other than YoHeWaH alone, shall be devoted to destruction. Exodus 22:20
With the concept of animal sacrifices abolished via the death burial and resurrection of Christ, even to the destruction of the last Jewish temple in Jerusalem in the year 70 AD by the world ruling Roman authority, this command to sacrifice to any God, YoHeWaH or different, seems outdated to no end. However, as we have stated already, many times in this work, there is a sacrifice to serving YoHeWaH through the guarding and observance of His Covenant Law within the world we now live in, Biblically called Babylon. For an example, it is much easier to just follow your doctors orders by taking this medicine to combat the side effects of this other medicine which is designed to mask the effects of any number of sinful actions we have undertaken in our lifetimes, than to just set your life aright under the auspices of Covenant Law and allowing the chips to fall where they may, trusting and being faithful to YoHeWaH even to pain and death, that is always deserved…… After all, that is the meaning of a sacrifice, isn’t it….. Death of a victim.
Once again, Covenant Law becomes the measuring stick as to which God, is being served.
“You shall not wrong a sojourner or oppress him, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt. You shall not mistreat any widow or fatherless child. If you do mistreat them, and they cry out to me, I will surely hear their cry, and my wrath will burn, and I will kill you with the sword, and your wives shall become widows and your children fatherless. Exodus 22:21–24
The concept of an eye for an eye plays out in the above text. True justice is YoHeWaH’s right arm of life. The above context is broad and covers a wide range of case law to be applied in any given society. Anyone with understanding would call it simple common sense. Even the laity of The Left would agree to these terms, but the leadership of The Left would find a way to twist it to their political means.
“If you lend money to any of my people with you who is poor, you shall not be like a moneylender to him, and you shall not exact interest from him. If ever you take your neighbor’s cloak in pledge, you shall return it to him before the sun goes down, for that is his only covering, and it is his cloak for his body; in what else shall he sleep? And if he cries to me, I will hear, for I am compassionate.
The following are just a few of the many quotations by two of our Founding Fathers in America, concerning banks and paper money.….
“Without big banks, socialism would be impossible.” — Vladimir Lenin and Thomas Jefferson
“Paper money has had the effect in your state that it will ever have, to ruin commerce, oppress the honest, and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice.” George Washington, In a letter to J. Bowen, Jan. 9, 1787
“And I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale. Thomas Jefferson, In a letter to John Taylor 1816
Today, not only America but the entirety of the world is a debtor slave to some form of banking industry. Fact is, we have taught quite a lot concerning The Law of The Sea governance system which is Babylon in scripture. One of the major aspects of the Babylonian regulated Admiralty Law system is the “banks” of the river, with it’s current “flow” of fiat money, working its way to the sea. Without the rivers of money from between the banks, the sea would dry up and fail to exist.
This would of course destroy the god of the world, which is capitalism, or at least the capitalism we have all been taught. The Conservative Right and even the Liberal Left would loose their minds at this principle playing out but believe me, its coming. Our nation and the world has long since come to rely on the very thing that enslaves us all. Like modern technology, another arm of Babylon that we now depend on daily and could not do with out, modern capitalism is a monster engulfing us all.
You have to understand, money is not a bad thing. Scripture teaches, it’s the love of money that is the root of all evil. Solomon also taught money solves all questions.
Bread is made for laughter, and wine gladdens life, and money answers everything. Ecclesiastes 10:19
It also must be noted, the text from Covenant, quoted above insinuates, it is acceptable to lend to those of other nations with interest, which again makes the case, YoHeWaH sets Israel apart in a kind of racist mentality, at least according to the way the Leftist world views things. Another example of true White Supremist found in scripture from the Highest of Supreme Beings of them all, YoHeWaH, Himself.
“You shall not revile YoHeWaH, nor curse a ruler of your people. Exodus 22:28
This one is tough for everyone. Those on the Right curse the leader YoHeWaH chooses to set up from The Left. Likewise, The Left curses the leader YoHeWaH establishes from The Right. Independents wish both would just go away. And they all three dishonor and curse YoHeWaH, reviling Him at every turn of life.
It is here, we wish to drive home a point, no one ever considers. No matter how bad our leaders are, from any of the three political perspectives, YoHeWaH placed that leader there….. Usually as a punishment for our sins, as a political party and/or a nation. Note the following text. Daniel, lending blessings to the Mighty One of Heaven stated this before he gave Nebuchadnezzar the interpretation of his dream concerning the great statute with the head of gold.
“Blessed be the name of YoHeWaH forever and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might. He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding; he reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him. To you, O YoHeWaH of my fathers, I give thanks and praise, for you have given me wisdom and might, and have now made known to me what we asked of you, for you have made known to us the king’s matter.” Daniel 2:20–23
The mystery that says, YoHeWaH sets up Kings and YoHeWaH tares down Kings, to fit His purpose for man on earth is very often overlooked by Believers who dabble in politics. If Believers did consider such matters in the results of their local, state and federal elections, if they had eyes to see, critical thought might pose a new question….. Why did YoHeWaH set that King up, while taring down that other King? What have we done wrong as a nation? Eventually if there is enough analytical thought, the answer will boil down to Covenant Law.
“You shall not delay to offer from the fullness of your harvest and from the outflow of your presses. The firstborn of your sons you shall give to me. You shall do the same with your oxen and with your sheep: seven days it shall be with its mother; on the eighth day you shall give it to me.” Exodus 22:29–30
It is easy to see how an animal could be given to YoHeWaH via a sacrifice. An offering made to YoHeWaH, is a type of Bar-B-Q celebration. Most people simply don’t think of biblical animal sacrifices in this way, but besides the burnt offerings, which were not eaten, all other sacrifices were eaten by someone. It was a celebration. Like what we do on July 4th or Memorial Day or Labor Day, in this nation every single year that comes….. But, how does one give their first born son to YoHeWaH?
The answer to that question will take an open mind. If you have walked this far into our work, you’re not going to want to put the book down now, we assure you. So, we will begin by stating, everything in life has stages, which is to say change. Life itself, even post death, has more life, and its life unknown, both past and future. The above text only deals with the present, leaving out what was and what is to come.
The stage of first born is the highest stage of life. It is the life well tested, ready for yet the last test…. the test of loyalty.
Another fact that must be considered in the above statement is the make up and nature of the entity YoHeWaH. Thus far, in this work, we have not dealt with the nature of YoHeWaH, much. Now, would be a good time to begin such an explanation.
YoHeWaH is a family of Beings, of which the numbers are untold. Best estimate would be millions. The Family of YoHeWaH has one head, the Supreme Father, the One Yeshua came to reveal. We refer to Yeshua, like that is his name, at this time….. It isn’t. It’s not Jesus or Yahushua or any other form of the various names banded about for our Savior. His name, right now, as we write and as you read, is YoHeWaH. The scripture is loaded with proof text that make this case. Let’s kill two birds with one stone via this witness:
“Behold, the days are coming, declares YoHeWaH, when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, and he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land. In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely. And this is the name by which he will be called: ‘YoHeWaH is our righteousness.” Jeremiah 23:5–6 and Jeremiah 33:15–16
The above text, speaking of The Member of The YoHeWaH family that died on the torcher stake for our sins, is the only text in all of the bible quoted word for word, twice in two different text. That “One” is called, at this moment in time, post His physical lifetime…. YoHeWaH, not Yeshua.
While the above fact shocks those who have really never thought in those terms before, the next fact will…. how shall we say….. Peev off all of Christendom to no end.
The most unroyal member of YoHeWaH’s Family is known by another misconstrued name. The world knows Him as Lucifer. His mistranslated nick-name is Lucifer. His correctly translated nick-name is Helel, pronounced Haylel. His true given name is YoHeWaH, and He is the family brother of the one we know as Christ.
Seditious or not, The Enemy is still a full fledge member of The YoHeWaH family carrying that set apart name throughout time. We realize we have made this case before in this work, but some things are worth repeating so it bores into the reader’s mind. Think carefully on the following two passages and ask yourself, which member of The YoHeWaH family caused David to Number Israel. The same event told by two different authors.
“Again the anger of YoHeWaH was kindled against Israel, and he incited David against them, saying, “Go, number Israel and Judah.” 2Samuel 24:1
Then Satan stood against Israel and incited David to number Israel. 1Chronicles 21:1
Our conclusion based upon these two passages can only be, the member of the YoHeWaH Family known as Satan caused David to number Israel.
With that said, please allow us to cut to the chase concerning the first born belonging to YoHeWaH. The underlying meaning of the text is, there is a fight for loyalty between the good side of The YoHeWaH Family and the evil side of that same family for the first born of any given physical family in Israel. Also, it must be noted, there are more than just the one we know as Satan on the evil side of that Family equation. So, The Enemy’s desire is to add to their numbers. Those of first born status have been tried in the fire to achieve such an opportunity from past lives lived. Usually, it has been our perspective, The Enemy gets first crack at the target, then after a period of time, YoHeWaH, The Father works with that individual.
Of course, none of us know the outcome or even what comes next, but there are enough examples from scripture showing us this to be the case. More on this subject in the chapter entitled, “Regeneration, The Process of Perfection”.
“You shall be consecrated to me. Therefore you shall not eat any flesh that is torn by beasts in the field; you shall throw it to the dogs. Exodus 22:31
Let’s take a look at the word translated consecrated in this text. Other translations use the word “holy” instead. The Hebrew word and in the case of the Greek LXX meaning simply means, set apart. The following analogy works well to denote its meaning.
If you take seven chairs that are identical. Line them up with the exact same amount of space between them all. Then take one of those chairs and set that chair to one side so that it very clearly stands out from the other six, by its strictest definition, you have just made that chair holy or consecrated….. Set Apart.
This becomes very important moving forward for a couple reasons.
- What consecrated or holy does not mean in scripture is religious or sanctimonious . Righteousness has nothing whatsoever to do with being holy. That is a shocker to most Believers.
- Since YoHeWaH gave his Covenant Law to the people and nation of Israel, using passages like the one ending Exodus 22, where He shows how Israel is to be set apart from other nations, makes YoHeWaH, in the eyes of those exercising critical thought, a racist by the standards of Modernity, today, especially if such a person thinks with a leftist twist. Those holding a right leaning bias usually aren’t scathing in their convictions to make a connection one way or the other, we are sorry to say.
In short, the above passage shows a very clear distinction between the people of Israel and all the rest of mankind, who would set no boundary against eating an animal that died of itself.
The last chapter of the first entry of The Book of The Covenant, Exodus 23 begins what we would like to call, A Witness Against The Government of (the end time nation) Israel….. America and THE UNITED STATES. Otherwise known as Governmental Social Justice.
“You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. You shall not fall in with the many to do evil, nor shall you bear witness in a lawsuit, siding with the many, so as to pervert justice, nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his lawsuit.” Exodus 23:1–3
Yes, it can be said, men and women outside of our government commit such acts, however, the laity of our nation are only as bold as our leaders in government and might we add…. The Pulpit. The very ones we are to look to as examples are guilty to no end at every height of government concerning the lack of truth in just about everything they do. If the Elders of our nation feared to walk antithesis to truth, the Adherents would follow their lead. The buck stops with the leadership of any given Nation or Church.
“If you meet your enemy’s ox or his donkey going astray, you shall bring it back to him. If you see the donkey of one who hates you lying down under its burden, you shall refrain from leaving him with it; you shall rescue it with him.” Exodus 23:4–5
Within this text is an outgoing concern for the ox, right? it would apply to any animal and is a simple example of case law. However, there is an underlying theme that runs throughout scripture that going out of your way in acts of kindness for an enemy, represents YoHeWaH well. So much of Covenant Law falls into that category…. Living life as an outward ambassador of YoHeWaH well seen in the eyes of Non-Believers and Believers alike. If an enemy is to be turned, there’s nothing that works better.
“You shall not pervert the justice due to your poor in his lawsuit.” Exodus 23:6
This should go without saying, however, it has always been Israel’s downfall to give the down trodden the extra benefit of the doubt, even when the evidence is stacked against the unfortunate. The goal of this understanding is to create proper judges within YoHeWaH’s coming government. If you can sentence someone guilty justly without taking into consideration the cards stacked against them in life itself, then you, as a judge have their best interest in mind. Cutting them a break at such times is a dis-service to the goal of character growth. Simply put, there is no room for bleeding hearts within YoHeWaH’s court room.
“Keep far from a false charge, and do not kill the innocent and righteous, for I will not acquit the wicked.” Exodus 23:7
The LXX states then opening sentence slightly different.
“From all things unjust, you shall abstain.” Exodus 23:7 LXX
The second half of this text speaks to an example of such unjust matters. The killing innocent and/or righteous men or women is a blueprint or sign that the system / leadership has long since gone off the rails, however, it needs to be noted there is a “between the lines understanding” of this verse that says, YoHeWaH hates apathy. Simply standing by (abstaining) without bringing to light Covenant Law defines wickedness at it deepest levels.
“And you shall take no bribe, for a bribe blinds the clear-sighted and subverts the cause of those who are in the right.” Exodus 23:8
How many clear eyed, well meaning politicians have won local elections, came to the deep state corruption of Washington DC only to befall an opportunity to grow a bank account, all in the name of progress?
Enough said.
“You shall not oppress a sojourner. You know the heart of a sojourner, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt.” Exodus 23:9
The Left would champion this passage on our southern boarder, right up until the time an investigation to the word “oppress” was conducted, compared to how those desiring to join our House are left to fend for themselves on the way to our boarders and after their arrival.
First of all the Hebrew word used in this text, translated Sojourner or Stranger in other translations defines a person who may or may not stay. A visitor with unknown intentions, but open to joining the house. YoHeWaH desires His Ambassadors to exhibit the gift of hospitality whenever possible. However, what He doesn’t want His nation to do is to dangle a carrot out for strangers of foreign nations to come and denigrate His Covenant Law via the democratic process. It is to this end our government has oppressed the sojourner. Give us your vote and we’ll make you a citizen. A carrot for crap scenario.
Joey Thompson