Unless Those Days Were Not Cut Short…..Oh My, What A Revelation!
“Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short. Matthew 24:22
I awoke this morning with a revelation from YHWH. In this article, I will try to convey what that revelation is all about. Bear with me as I have to lay a foundation first. This is good.
The following foundation will consist of a good understanding of two subjects.
- The seven year punishments of end time Israel according to the time setting and recent history of America, as told in Leviticus 26.
- The typological fulfillment taking place in the Donald Trump Presidency as The Anointed King of End Time Israel, fulfilling the typology of Christ and His crucifixion. The sign of Jonah played out in The Donald Trump Presidency.
Allow me to begin with as brief of an explanation of Leviticus 26 as possible.
To begin with, you have to know, America is the intended promised land of Deuteronomy chapter 8. It is the true end time land of Israel and once more, the founding of America was a prophesied event from The Book of Genesis. It is where YHWH will headquarter His coming government here on this earth (see Revelation 5:10).
Next, you have to know, YHWH gave His Covenant Law, which is The Book of The Covenant, love toward YHWH, love toward Man, principles in Exodus 20 through 23, Deuteronomy 4 through 31, and Joshua 23 through 24……And He then sent His Son, Yeshua Messiah to live and example that Covenant Law, in the flesh, expecting His people Israel to live and example Covenant Law in the promised land of America at this end time……But, we have simply not met those expectations, at all.
In fact, the Anglo Saxon (Sons of Isaac), Caucasian Peoples of ancient Israel have willing loved the deceptions of lawlessness, taught in Christianity for the last 2K years, taking lawlessness to new high, incorporating it into patriotism and liberty inflaming the anger of our creator, YHWH, The Father.
Leviticus 26 spells out in prophetic detail, what would happen to Israel should they take all the blessings of Abraham’s obedience and turn it into their own licentiousness (a licence to sin). Notice the two sins to which YHWH judges our nation today. He is looking at two commandments, measuring our righteousness or the lack there of according to the second and fourth commandments of His Covenant Law.
You shall not make for yourselves IDOLS, nor shall you set up for yourselves an image or a sacred pillar, nor shall you place a figured stone in your land to bow down to it; for I am YHWH your Mighty One ‘You shall keep (Guard) My SABBATHS and reverence My sanctuary; I am YHWH. Leviticus 26:1–2
Th setting up of Idols and the breaking of YHWH’s Sabbath….The second and fourth commandments. End Time Israel’s ignorance of these two subjects has long since been the foundation of western Christianity, as played out in this Judaeo-Christian nation of America.
The first 14 verses of Leviticus 26 spell out the richness to which YHWH would bless a nation that holds these two commandment in high esteem. We have obviously failed in this test. Thus beginning with verse 16 we read what YHWH will do to Israel after they have been given every chance to turn from their unrighteousness (400 years of testing) back to their Creator and King.
In the next 25 verses we read of what method YHWH will take to turn His people from their selfish ways of unrighteousness. Very clearly a line was drawn in the sand (Israel is the sand of the sea), September 11, 2001 as we read of YHWH very first judgment upon His people Israel for their rejection of His Covenant Law.
I (YHWH), in turn, will do this to you: I will appoint over you a SUDDEN TERROR, consumption and fever that will waste away the eyes and cause the soul to pine away; also, you will sow your seed uselessly, for your enemies will eat it up. ‘I will set My face against you so that you will be struck down before your enemies; and those who hate you will rule over you, and you will flee when no one is pursuing you. Leviticus 26:16–17
The first thing I want you to notice here is, its not 19 Islamic Arabs nor an oil hungry UNITED STATES government doing this Israel. It is YHWH, Himself who has brought 9–11–2001 upon America. Yes, He used both Islamic Arabs and the UNITED STATES government to bring this about, but never forget, it is YHWH who sets up kings and tares down kings to fit his will. YHWH placed these men in their respective offices to bring 9–11 about when it did to fit His order.
Secondly, you need to notice, there are five sets of plagues here in this opening judgment against end time Israel. They are:
- Terror
- Disease
- Race Mixing
- Enemy Rule
- Total Fear
Now, you may not understand #3, right now, but you will in just a moment.
This first set of plagues is a outline for what YHWH would bring upon us, as a nation, if we did not turn back to Him……As you shall see, in the following 25 verses, these plagues are broken up into 5 seven year period each….Each set would see an addition of the next judgment to the last one, as YHWH holds His hand out to Israel, asking, in fact begging His People to repent and turn back to Covenant Law.
Notice the next passage to prove my point here.
‘If also after these things you do not obey Me (YHWH), then I will punish you seven times more for your sins. Leviticus 26:18
Two points to make from this verse.
- The words, ‘If also after these things you do not obey Me’, denotes, the subject or measuring stick of YHWH’s judgment is Covenant Law…..And, in fact the context of this passage within Torah is Covenant Law.
- The words ‘seven times more for your sins’, denotes his punishment would last seven years. A time in biblical prophecy is a year. However, I now see, a time can and does also include intensity, as we shall soon see. In other words, YHWH can make it mean length of time and/or intensity…..pointing to at least a partial explanation of my revelation this morning.
September 11, 2001, YHWH appointed over America and all Israelite nations such as Great Britain, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, etc., sudden and swift terror.
Later that year, for the first time, America began to see various strains of brand new “bird flu” viruses his The promised Land, which did exactly as Leviticus 26:16 said it would do. It was to attack the lungs, causing consumption and the burning fever.
These strains of flu lasted for seven years, before we crossed the second line drawn in the sand in 2008. Thus we opened 2002 with Terror, Disease and……unknowingly, we, as a nation, accepted and accelerated The Left’s agenda to have America fully diverse and race mixed where ever possible.
Thus, America, in its efforts to accept all races, even the Arabs trying to kill us, began openly promoting diversity and oneness as a people, erasing racial walls, which totally goes against YHWH creation, which was to stay in the lanes, YHWH had ordained accordingly. Kind with Kind. Just as He laid it out. Each race bearing the gifts give to them accordingly……But just like the bricks of the tower of Babylon (confusion and mixing), The Left’s agenda is to make us all the same brick……And what did YHWH do to that tower? Point made.
More on this race mixing mentality in a moment, as we began in the early 2000’s to sow our seed (children) in vain (see Leviticus 26:16).
Next, and we are still in the founding stages of YHWH Judgments (2001–2008), late in this seven year period, one began to rise who was not of Anglo Saxon, Caucasian Israel, who can now (looking back) be called our enemy. A man who hates America and everything it stands for….Barack Obama. This man was for sure, without a doubt the fulfillment of the statement made in verse 16, ‘and those who hate you will rule over you’.
August 28, 2008 — The exact phase of the moon seven years from September 11, 2001…..George Bush would come on national TV opening his national address with the exact same words, “Tonight, our nation is in a crisis”.
This time, it would come to be known as “The 2008 Economic Banking and Real Estate Crisis”. Biblically, it is known as “YHWH breaking the pride of our Power”. Notice the next plague from Leviticus 26.
‘If also after these things you do not obey Me (YHWH) , then I (YHWH) will punish you seven times more for your sins. ‘I (YHWH) will also break down your pride of power; I (YHWH) will also make your sky like iron and your earth like bronze. ‘Your strength will be spent uselessly, for your land will not yield its produce and the trees of the land will not yield their fruit. Leviticus 26:18–21
Again….Look closely……Who is doing all of this to America? Fact is, 22 times in these 25 verses of judgment against end time Israel, YHWH says, “I will do this unto you…”.
At some point, someone in our nation needs to stand up and shout this to roof tops, just as scripture says, “Cry aloud, spare not….” Isaiah 58:1. Someone needs to bring this to the attention of our leaders and rulers. Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O’riely, Mark Levin, Alex Jones……..Are you guys listening. You are the ones with a voice in this nation. You had better start using it before YHWH removes it and gives it to voices that will……But I digress.
So August 28, 2008, George Bush once again, brings our nation’s attention to YHWH’s newest judgment against His people Israel…..breaking the pride of our power (our economy), beginning the second set of seven years of plagues upon our people and our nation….The End Time Nation of Israel, America.
But wait, there’s more.
Remember “That One” I spoke about just a moment ago, who was rising in 2006 and 2007? The One who was not of Israel. The One not born in America, and was unlawful to even run for leader of the free world?
That One is spoken of throughout scripture. He is the regenerated King of Babylon. The One Yeshua said, “I saw Satan fall to earth like lighting.”
Notice the statement made in Leviticus 26:19, “I (YHWH) will also make your sky like iron and your earth like bronze.”
Back in 2008, I thought for sure, this pointed to a massive drought upon the land. Both 2008 and 2009 were the wettest years on record, as this nation experienced some of the worst flooding imaginable, especially in the heart land. No, these words do not point to the weather, but toward our government.
A couple key words for you to consider:
- Sky or Heavens always point to the highest forms of government.
- Iron points to Rome
- Earth points to the government as well but in a different way, as we shall soon see.
- Bronze always points to The Serpent or Satan.
I’ll not take the time to explain the above key. for we have a long way to go yet in this article as it stands.
When The fallen office holder of Satan took the highest office in the free world, being elected in November of 2008, it was the fulfillment of this prophecy our Government had become as Rome by the falling to earth of Satan, and those who hate you (The Left) did indeed rule over us for a time, until One stood who would, for a time, fight back…..More on this later.
No, wait…..More on that right now.
Fast forward to June 16, 2015, as we approach the close of the second set of seven years of plagues…..2008 + 7 = 2015.
The campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again” is the scriptural equivalent to:
“ …..restore and rebuild Jerusalem….” Daniel 9:25
Please see my article concerning this statement:
And yet, with all the positivity of Donald J Trump, which was YHWH ordained, there was still a third set of plagues that was scheduled to drop on unrepentant America, just a few short months from this announcement.
The date was September 7th, 2015. The world is struggling to contain the influx of Syrian Immigrants fleeing The Middle East into European / Israelite nations like Germany, Sweden, France, Great Britain and yes, even America, as The Wild Ass (Beast)of a man’s descendants begin their onslaught on Israel’s children via rape, kidnap and outright Leftist based race mixing.
Notice the next set of plagues:
‘If then, you act with hostility against Me (YHWH) and are unwilling to obey Me, I (YHWH) will increase the plague on you seven times according to your sins. ‘I (YHWH) will let loose among you the WILD beasts of the field, which will BEREAVE you of your children and destroy your CATTLE and reduce your number so that your roads (WAYS) lie deserted (DESOLATE). Leviticus 26:22–23
I’ll translate this passage quickly, being direct and to the point. Forgive me for having no political correctness, at all. I just don’t have time for any of that crap. Facts are facts.
YHWH unleashed a war in Syria which sent Ishmael’s descendants to Israelite nations. Ishmael is called a Wild Ass (Beast) of a Man (Genesis 16:12). The rape, pillage, kidnap and race mixing of our white girls left from the race mixing that ramped up 14 years prior has worked to bereave us of a would be next generation of pure Israelite children.
If you have your head in the sand and think that does not matter you might want to consider what YHWH says concerning this subject in Deuteronomy 23:2, once again the context is covenant law.
“No one of illegitimate birth (Mamzer or Bastard) shall enter the assembly of YHWH; none of his descendants, not even to the tenth generation, shall enter the assembly of YHWH. Deuteronomy 23:2
A Mamzer is defined as the following:
From an unused root meaning to alienate; a mongrel, i.e. Born of an Israelite father and a heathen mother or vise versa— bastard. Strongs # 4464
Race Mixing!!!
Thus, by this time, 2015, we have a generation coming of age from The Left’s increased agenda to race mix society back in 2001 and the forced and even accepted pillage of our children beginning in 2015 until now.
The unfortunate translation “and destroy your cattle” from Leviticus 26:23 refers to the fact that the human cattle (behemah) in our nation are even race mixed out, so that the races of people, joined to us in the ancient covenant made by Joshua and The Hivite nation of Gibeon, are now no longer black but brown or neutral/mixed. I challenge you to look 100 years ago at pictures of Blacks and Whites and compare them to today. Purity of any race is very rare thing…..And yes, it matters.
And finally, the statement, “so that your roads (WAYS) lie deserted (DESOLATE).” refers to the changes in our lifestyle. Today is March 14, 2020. Right now, in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis everything is shut down (Desolate and/or deserted). Less traffic, Less activity, less commerce….Tons of fear.
So now, you are up to date on the first subject you have to have in order for me to reveal what was reveal unto me this morning, which is:
- The seven year punishments of end time Israel according to the time setting and recent history of America, as told in Leviticus 26.
Next, you need to have a good understanding of:
2. The typological fulfillment taking place in the Donald Trump Presidency as The Anointed King of End Time Israel, fulfilling the typology of Christ and His crucifixion. The sign of Jonah played out in The Donald Trump Presidency.
I simply can not spell this out in just a few paragraphs. I have articles explaining various aspects of this subject, so all I can do is ask you to read the following articles on this multi-faceted subject to become familiar with what YHWH is doing with Donald Trump and why.
Now, with a good understanding of these two subjects, I can now explain my revelation this morning.
I opened the article with a quote from Matthew.
“Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short. Matthew 24:22
My wife and I have discussed what this “cutting of the time, short” actually means. Now, I know.
I have made the case, 2020 is the Passover year, Abib 14. And 2021 is the Sabbath year, Abib 15. If you don’t understand what I am talking about, read the above article, “The Passover Year and Donald J. Trump……” and hopefully you will see it more clearly.
The key is the Sabbath year of 2021 along with what Yeshua said in the opening text, as well as Matthew 24:19–21 to go along with our opening text. Let’s read this, then I’ll explain.
“But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! “But pray that your flight will not be in the winter, or on a Sabbath. “For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will. “Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short. Matthew 24:19–22
The statement, “But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days!” goes back to a similar statement made by Yeshua a few days from when He stated this one, on the 8th of Abib.
Six days later, Yeshua said this, as He was trying to carry His torture stake to Golgotha :
And following Him was a large crowd of the people, and of women who were mourning and lamenting Him. But Jesus turning to them said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, stop weeping for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. “For behold, the days are coming when they will say, ‘BLESSED ARE THE BARREN, and THE WOMBS THAT NEVER BORE, and THE BEAST THAT NEVER NURSED.’ “Then they will begin to say to the mountains fall on us and to the hills cover us.’,“For if they do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?” Luke 23:27–31
If you have eyes to see, you should be beginning to put some things together. This event (described in Luke) took place on the 14th of Abib, Passover Day. This same event in typological prophecy will take place in 2020 using a day for a year theology.
As a side, I’ll make mention the meaning of the statement, “For if they do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?” This refers to what they do to Trump in a good economy (the green tree) and how much worse it will be not only to Trump but to The Women of Revelation 12, should they be around at that time in the dry tree economy, which will be very dry. Those days are coming, right fast. As I sit here March 14th, 2020, our nation is practically shut down due to Corona Virus, or so they say. I can pretty much assure you, the days of the green tree are over.
Back to the revelation I saw this morning.
There are two women of Revelation 12.
One woman knows the subject of “who Israel truly is” and “they have a love for the calendar of YHWH”.
The other woman, I call the Revelation 12:17 people. They keep the commandments of YHWH and hold to the testimony of Yeshua the Messiah, but they are not complete. They would be the equivalent of the 5 foolish virgins who put no oil (knowledge of those two subjects) in their lamps. These foolish virgins are the women whom Yeshua spoke about when He was trying to carry His Torture Stake in Luke 23. The same ones He mentions in Matthew 24 who are pregnant and nursing babes. This does not means actual women who have or are about to have babies. Both these references are concerning churches, not literal women.
Now, finally, here is the kicker. I’ve said all of that to say this.
Up until now, from September 11, 2001 until 2020, we have been under tribulation, but not GREAT tribulation.
Notice Christ’ words here:
“For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will.” Matthew 24:21
For “when” will be great tribulation?
After the beginning of the winter of 2020, The Passover Year, which is October 23, 2020. Winter begins October 23 of any given year. And the Sabbath of Abib 15, which is the first day of Unleavened Bread begin at dawn of 2021, February 21, 2021.
Christ said, “But pray that your flight will not be in the winter, or on a Sabbath.”
He is talking to the wise virgins of The Woman of Revelation 12:1, telling them be in prayer, asking that they be accounted worthy to miss the Great Tribulation.
It is the Great Tribulation where time is cut short. If the events of Leviticus 26:23 through 26:39 were allowed to take place, there would be no flesh saved alive, but for the elect’s sake, the woman’s sake, time will be cut short.
Judgment changes in 2020. It’s about to get real bad in this nation…..REAL BAD!
May YHWH bless you in your studies….
Joey Thompson