When It All Hits The Fan…. Whose Fault Will It Be?

Joey Thompson
7 min readFeb 24, 2022


Make no mistake…. It is going to hit the fan. Scripture after scripture in the pages of the major and minor Prophets of your Bible tells the exact same story. The end-time, regathered people who descended from Jacob/Israel (Americans) turn from following their God (YoHeWaH) and His ways (Covenant Law). Then because of apostasy, He (YoHeWaH) turns the true nation of Israel over to reprobate leaders that fulfill the ways of all the ancient pagan nations in scripture. That spirit, resurrected within our land brings curse, after curse, after curse upon our people, leading to outright judgment upon the end-time nation of Biblical Israel (America). This condemnation brings our nation to its knees, to the point where we, individually and collectively, turn back to Our Creator and King. Again, this is the story played out within the major and Minor Prophets of The Bible, told from various perspectives.

So, yes, IT is going to hit the fan, in a big way.

I have written and taught for many years now concerning the identity of our people, the Anglo-Saxon, Caucasian people who were divinely brought to this land, America, fulfilling the promised land of Deuteronomy chapter 8. The regathering of The Nation of Israel in one federal hand, just as Genesis 48 describes, under the surname heading of Ephraim. I have also written concerning the physical nations that join the house of Israel in the correct way, under covenant, as YoHeWaH excludes no nation or peoples who desire to do it the correct way. Clues and outright facts are placed throughout scripture. Knowledge of the identification of the endtime nation and people of Israel is the key to understanding the subject of end time prophecy in the Bible. Those who see this profound truth have eyes to see what is coming if they read and study YoHeWaH’s word. With that understanding in place, the picture becomes clear….

If you know America was established as the promised land and the future home base and headquarters of the coming Kingdom of YoHeWaH, the very subject of the Gospel of Christ, then you would know the implication of the stories told from the pages of the Prophets of the Bible flows as follows:

1 — Rejection of YoHeWaH Covenant Law.

2 — Curses that should lead to repentance, but national change never comes.

3 — Outright judgment, ushering in a culling of the majority, leaving only a faithful remnant.

4 — Then finally, when there is only a percentage left, then YHWH establishes His Government here on earth, just as the scripture teaches.

TEACHABLE MOMENT: Correctly defining the gospel of Christ brings the true meaning of the gospel itself. Christ defined the gospel as The Good News of the coming KINGDOM of YoHeWaH…. Keyword, Kingdom. A kingdom is best defined as having four parts.

1 — A King

2 — A People

3 — A Territory

4 — A Set of Laws

The King is the resurrected Christ. The people are the regathered House of Israel. The territory is the intended promised land of America. The Set of Laws is the Constitution of The United States and Covenant Law from scripture, working hand in glove together to govern the nation. Thus, the goal of the gospel of Christ is to prepare people to govern righteously.

Christianity has caused the main point of The Gospel to be all about personal salvation…. A SELFFISH kind of good news. The true Gospel of Christ is all about preparing to serve or govern properly in the coming governing of YoHeWaH, here on this earth…. A SELFLESS kind of good news.

So, let’s review a few things.

You may be asking, what is Covenant Law? Well, simply put….. Covenant Law is best defined as the proper way to worship YoHeWaH and the proper way to live righteously and justly with our fellow man. Christianity should know this concept as “Love toward God, Love toward Neighbor”.

Covenant Law is codified or written in the following 36 chapters of your bible…. The contents thereof are the only book of the Bible, most Believers have never even heard of, and yet, this book is in every single Bible ever printed. That book is called “The Book Of The Covenant”.

Exodus 20 through 23

Leviticus 25 through 26.

Deuteronomy 4 through 31

Joshua 23 through 24.

These are the words written in The Book of The Covenant (Exodus 24:7 / 2Kings 23:2) also called The Book of The Law (Deuteronomy 31:26 / 2Kings 22:11). They are literally all the things Yeshua embodied in the flesh, exampling “THE WAY” Believers should live. As a matter of fact, the term used in the early days and years of the first century Apostolic Church, Christ established was THE WAY (Acts 9:2; 19:9, 23; 22:4; 24:14, 22).

The curses are listed in this Book of The Covenant in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28. They are very straightforward and quite easy to understand….. The very opening of Leviticus 26 shows what portion of Covenant Law YoHeWaH is holding our people and our nation accountable for.

You shall not make idols for yourselves or erect an image or pillar, and you shall not set up a figured stone in your land to bow down to it, for I am YoHeWaH, Your Mighty One. You shall keep my Sabbaths and reverence my sanctuary: I am YoHeWaH. Leviticus 26:1–2

Within Covenant Law is the now infamous, all but ignored Ten Commandments. To most Believer’s surprise, The Ten Commandments are not the sum total of Covenant Law, but rather, a portion within Covenant Law, along with the Judgments and Statutes of YoHeWaH.

The second and fourth commandments are front and center, on the stage of judgment as spelled out here in the opening passages of the “Blessings and Cursing’s” chapters of Covenant Law quoted above. Idolatry and Sabbath breaking is rampant in our nation today. The majority of so-called Believers could not even tell you what idolatry actually is. An even smaller number even question why the Sabbath command was even given, having no understanding as to what the Sabbath pictures within the plan of salvation.

At the heart of the problem with Christendom and Judeo-Christian nations is the DETAIL of Covenant Law. There are certain pieces of knowledge all peoples need to diligently seek the detail thereof. One such legislation is God’s Law…. His Covenant Law.

When YoHeWaH’s Law, just like Constitutional Law, is generalized and not studied out for specific application or detail, highly important qualities of such law become null and void to each generation, until finally the law and the lawgiver are totally forgotten. This is the case with our so-called Christian nation. In its place, a God of the Christian imagination is invented resembling nothing of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel.

We used to at least give lip service to our Creator, but now, sadly, our so-called Judeo-Christian nation fits the bill of this text of judgment:

“And the vision of all this has become to you like the words of a book that is sealed. When men give it to one who can read, saying, “Read this,” he says, “I cannot, for it is sealed.” And when they give the book to one who cannot read, saying, “Read this,” he says, “I cannot read.” And YoHeWaH said: “Because this people draw near with their mouth and honor me with their lips, while their hearts are far from me, and their fear of me is a commandment taught by men, therefore, behold, I will again do wonderful things with this people, with wonder upon wonder; and the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the discernment of their discerning men shall be hidden.” Isaiah 29:11–14

The words, “and their fear of me is a commandment taught by men” denote two things that need to be addressed.

  1. There is no fear of YoHeWaH or by extension, His wrath and judgment.
  2. The commandments taught by men, which are not of YoHeWaH, spell out the worship of the sugar-coated god of the people’s imagination. This fictitious deity would never bring harsh judgment upon the chosen Christians who would never displease such a loving God.

The willing illiteracy of the end-time entity called Christianity concerning Covenant Law is the key point. Christendom WILLINGLY rejects YoHeWaH’s instructions.

Very clearly, once you understand who the players are in scripture, it becomes easy to see, YoHeWaH is not known, AT ALL, by let alone non-believers, but by Believers either. Christians do know their God and the litmus test in Covenant Law. Consider this profound text directly from the New Testament.

“And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his commandments. Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments (Covenant Law) is a liar, and the truth is not in him, 1John 2:3–4

Apart from a belligerent, reprobate mind, any sixth grader could make the connection between this text and the principles taught within Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 which say:

Keep YoHeWaH’s Covenant Law (for your own good) and be blessed because you know your God.


Abolish YoHeWaH’s Covenant law (which is for your own good) and received the curses listed in these two chapters because as The Apostle John puts it, you do not know your God…..

And if by those curses, you (the Covenant Law Abolisher) are not reproved,…. JUDGMENT, which painfully leads to physical death.

So, when it all hits the fan, who will be at fault? The Russians? The Chinese? The Democrats? Agnostics?

The answer to the question is Christians. Christian leaders and teachers, but also Christian laity who followed those false teachers who abolished YoHeWaH’s Covenant Law lining their own pockets with the people’s tithes and offerings, creating power for themselves. Read Jeremiah chapter 23 for a better understanding of this and pay very close attention to verse 20.

“The anger of YoHeWaH will not turn back until he has executed and accomplished the intents of his heart. In the latter days, you will understand it clearly.” Jeremiah 23:20

At some point, we as a nation, individually and collectively, will have to begin to look inwardly as to why all these curses have come upon us. When that time comes, all I ask is to remember the words of this article and this ministry of writing. It’s really just that simple. Turn to YoHeWaH and His Law and live. It's your choice. Get out of your God-forsaken churches. They are all, without exception evil to no end. There is not one good. NONE. If you think you are in a good church, you are sorely deceived.

May YoHeWaH give us all the strength to repent. Our lives and our nation depend upon it.

Joey Thompson





Joey Thompson
Joey Thompson

Written by Joey Thompson

An ordained Elder in the ministry of YHWH, commissioned to restore truth at this end time. You can contact me via email at: joeythompson777@aol.com

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