YHWH’s Debatable Calendar, Part One…. Who Is To Blame?

Joey Thompson
14 min readOct 7, 2021


As with many subjects I write about, nominal Christianity has no interest whatsoever….. This series of articles will be no exception. The reason for that is the extent to which Christians value YHWH’s Covenant Law, which is to say, their desire is to abolish it….. A grave mistake.

At any rate, the point being, Christianity totally disregards YHWH’s Appointed Times, His Feast Days, so what is the need to know anything about YHWH’s Calendar? The subjects of when a day begins or when a month begins or when a year begins, all of which I will address in subsequent articles are moot points within Christianity, but to a truth seeking Believer, who not only pursues righteousness, but actually makes changes in their lives according to the knowledge they have gained, this subject holds very valuable information to be considered.

So what constitutes a brand new calendar day? Do the Jews and Muslims have it correct by stating the day begins at sunset? Do Christians have it right by adhering to the Roman calendar day beginning at midnight? Or has The Enemy fulfilled Revelation 12:9 to the nines?

“And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world……” Revelation 12:9

The above question is just one of the various aspects of time that has to be questioned critically by any Truth Seeking Believer. The answer to such a question is very clearly an eye opening revelation as to just how Believers have been sorely deceived down through time itself as to the reckoning of time within any given day. I will address the details of the answer to this question in more in subsequent articles in this series on the calendar. However, the point to this article is where the origin of calendar deception lies.

Covenant Keeping Believers are very much aware of the extremely high significance YHWH places on the observance of time. Knowledge of His calendar based Appointed Times, are a sign between Him and His people as to who they are as Believers, as well as to who He is to them…… Their Mighty One. In the same vain, it must be noted, YHWH is not so sugar coated as to not remove such knowledge from those who claim to be His people. It is a slight digression, but one that has to be considered, YHWH removed key calendar knowledge as well as the speaking of His set apart name from the people of Judah during the days of Jeremiah. Knowledge, to this day, not yet fully restored….. Knowledge holding great blessings, removed from the people of YHWH for well over two thousand years, from just after the time of Jeremiah.

The removal of calendar knowledge is all throughout scripture if you have eyes to see, however, none more pertinent that Jeremiah’s words here:

“He has laid waste his booth like a garden, laid in ruins his meeting place; YHWH has made Zion forget festival and Sabbath, and in his fierce indignation has spurned king and priest.” Lamentations 2:6

And on a related subject, the removal of the speaking of YHWH’s mighty name, at the exact same time in history…..

“Therefore hear the word of The Almighty, all you of Judah who dwell in the land of Egypt: Behold, I have sworn by my great name, says YHWH, that my name shall no more be invoked by the mouth of any man of Judah in all the land of Egypt, saying, ‘As YHWH, The Almighty lives.’” Jeremiah 44:26

Thus, during the time of Jeremiah, Judah, the tribe of Israel commissioned to carry the details of Covenant Law down through time, have crossed a line with YHWH causing Him to actually remove the knowledge of the third and fourth commandments and the blessings for observance thereof….. All during the time of Jeremiah The Prophet. True Covenant Keepers know, there is a definite tie between the name of YHWH and the observance of His Appointed Times. To observance His Sabbaths and Feast Days is a sign between Believers and Himself as to who He is, as we shall see in detail from Exodus 31 later in this article.

After the conquest of Babylon upon ancient Judah, the men of Judah, turned to The Queen of Heaven, today known as Easter, as the one who would save them in their time of distress…… Thus destroying their relationship with YHWH, lending to the curse instead of blessing, which to this day is still invoked.

Even Yeshua, The Christ, stated the obvious concerning the Jews of His day via this critical thought, mic dropping statement from Matthew’s gospel:

“And the Pharisees and Sadducees came, and to test him they asked him to show them a sign from heaven. He answered them, “When it is evening, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red.’ And in the morning, ‘It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.” So he left them and departed.” Matthew 16:1–4

The statement, “but you cannot interpret the signs of the times”, is where critical thought comes into play. Actually, a good understanding of how to break down any given passage unlocks a much deeper understanding of the text in question. The key word in the passage is “times”. The Greek word used in this text is G2540 Kairos. it is defined as follows:

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance

Kairos (G2540)

appointed time

Of uncertain affinity; an occasion, i.e. Set or proper time — X always, opportunity, (convenient, due) season, (due, short, while) time, a while. Compare chronos.

What is interesting about how Yeshua used this word is that it is the exact same word used in the LXX in Leviticus 23:4 when Moses wrote concerning YHWH Feast or Appointed Times:

These are the hold Feast to YHWH, holy convocations which you shall call them, in their seasons (Kairos).” Leviticus 23:4 from The LXX, Greek Old Testament Scriptures.

Thus Yeshua pulled an old testament command into the conversation with both sides of the tainted form of Judaism, of His day, both Pharisees and Sadducees, were laid low in their calendar theology by the One who gave the command to begin with, YHWH, The Son.

Critical thought begs the question, did the Jews during the first century have the calendar correct? No way. Fact is, The Jews have nothing right about anything. People are quick to condemn me for such a statement, but I’m sorry, I am commissioned to call a spade a spade. Or better said, I am commissioned by the Elders who ordained me to call a lie a lie. And when I say, nothing, I mean nothing. Not the first thing taught by Judaism holds any weight whatsoever with scripture.

It can not be understated how much Judaism has sold the true nation of Israel down the road into a path of deception. Not only did Christ eventually lay down His life to the very ones He dropped the mic on in the above passage from Matthew via a calendar condemnation…. Steven did the same thing after Christ’ death, burial and resurrection.

Once again, there has to be some critical thought within the investigation of the true meaning of these words spoken by Steven just before he died…. Breaking into the confrontational dissertation of Steven as he recounts the high points of Israel’s history leading up to another mic dropping statement, design to cut the Jews to the heart causing enough anger to murder one of their thought to be brothers, we read Steven stating the following:

“This Moses, whom they rejected, saying, ‘Who made you a ruler and a judge?’ — this man YHWH sent as both ruler and redeemer by the hand of the angel who appeared to him in the bush. This man led them out, performing wonders and signs in Egypt and at the Red Sea and in the wilderness for forty years. This is the Moses who said to the Israelites, ‘YHWH will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brothers.’ This is the one who was in the congregation in the wilderness with the angel who spoke to him at Mount Sinai, and with our fathers. He received living oracles to give to us. Our fathers refused to obey him, but thrust him aside, and in their hearts they turned to Egypt, saying to Aaron, ‘Make for us gods who will go before us. As for this Moses who led us out from the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.’ And they made a calf in those days, and offered a sacrifice to the idol and were rejoicing in the works of their hands. But God turned away and gave them over to worship the host of heaven, as it is written in the book of the prophets:

“‘Did you bring to me slain beasts and sacrifices,
during the forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel?
You took up the tent of Moloch
and the star of your god Rephan,
the images that you made to worship;
and I will send you into exile beyond Babylon.’

“Our fathers had the tent of witness in the wilderness, just as he who spoke to Moses directed him to make it, according to the pattern that he had seen. Our fathers in turn brought it in with Joshua when they dispossessed the nations that YHWH drove out before our fathers. So it was until the days of David, who found favor in the sight of YHWH and asked to find a dwelling place for The Mighty One of Jacob. But it was Solomon who built a house for him. Yet the Most High does not dwell in houses made by hands, as the prophet says,

“‘Heaven is my throne,
and the earth is my footstool.
What kind of house will you build for me, says YHWH,
or what is the place of my rest?
Did not my hand make all these things?’

“You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit. As your fathers did, so do you. Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who announced beforehand the coming of the Righteous One, whom you have now betrayed and murdered, you who received the law as delivered by angels and did not keep it.” Acts 7:35–51

Before I break down the two key points from the above text, I would like to remind you of the principle established from Exodus 31:13–16, which says, The God you worship is known and based upon the day of the week you worship on, or another way to say it is, the day you worship upon marks who your God actually is.

“…..Surely My Sabbaths, you shall keep, (why?) for it is a sign between Me and you, throughout your generations, (why?) so that you may know that I am YHWH, who sets you apart.” Exodus 31:13

Thus when Steven stood against the very same Jews of Christ day, recounting the history of Israel’s idolatry, from the Golden Calf event until that very day, convicting them of their hypocrisy to no end, stating who their God actually was, these same Jews were cut to the teeth, hell bent on killing Steven:

“You took up the tent of Moloch
and the star of your god Rephan,”

In doing so, using the principle from Exodus 31, we can ascertain a very definite calendar statement from this event. History very clearly shows, Moloch or Molech held several names….. Saturn being the most well known connection. I encourage you, the reader to do your own study on this subject of the tie between Molech and Saturn but just consider what Wikipedia has to say from the following link under the heading of Remphan:

Classic interpretations identify Remphan with Saturn or Molech, and notes the Phoenicians sacrificed children to the deity. Biblical commentary suggests Amos was referencing a particular idolatry of two foreign idols from the time of the Israelites’ forty years in the desert under the prophet Moses, not in his own time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remphan#cite_note-Bangor-6

Again, even most Covenant Keepers, never look deep enough to consider the implications laid out plainly in scripture. History also shows, Rome was already well down the road to implementing the seven day week we hold to this very day, using the planetary days of Sunday through Saturn’s day, established officially for the entire world in 53 AD. There is an abundance of secular evidence from the day, there was a division within the Christian community concerning which day of the week was the week Sabbath of scripture. So much so, Paul addressed this division in the following text:

“One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind.” Romans 14:5

There are two groups of Believers witnessed from the above words from Paul. They are”

1 — Those who kept a set, fixed day as the weekly Sabbath from the newly established pagan, planetary week such as Saturn’s day or Sun’s day, holy.

2 — Those who believed any one of those day could host the weekly Sabbath as YHWH’s calendar was not fixed within any such weekly cycle.

So, the question becomes, If YHWH removed the knowledge of His calendar, both in the weekly and annual context as Lamentations 2:6 stated, quoted earlier in this work and if Christ Himself condemned the Jews of His day for clearly not knowing the true Appointed Times, witnessed a second time from the account of Steven’s death, and history shows the Jews have never changed any aspect of their calendar knowledge since the time of Christ…… Why would we as Believers ever look to anything the Jews say as truth concerning YHWH’s Appointed Times, His Feast and Sabbath or His calendar?

Answer: Only a fool would continue in such knowledge, after he or she proves such things for themselves. That said, there are countless Believers who are simply content to remain in their knowledge of man’s traditions, looking to Judaism, allowing deception to reign in their lives when it comes to observing YHWH Appointments each week and annually throughout the year.

…. And we wonder why YHWH has removed His blessings from the Church!

That said, biblical history shows Judaism is simply a useful idiot for The Enemy who has been at work concerning this deception since way before the Exodus, a thousand years before the evils of Judaism ever manifested as an organized religion. Most people believe Judaism is the religion of The Old Testament. Nothing could be further from the truth. Judaism originated under Babylon, while Judah was held in captivity for 70 years.

That said, the tendencies of ancient Israel, all 12 tribes, but especially Judah, was to forsake YHWH and His Covenant Law in leu of the original name sake to Molech, Saturn and Kronos…… The Ancient God of time, agriculture, sex and genetic modification….. Satyr, whose idol was the calf, as in the golden calf, Aaron made at Mount Sinai.

It must be noted, there were two competing world religions which were well established against that of YHWH’s Covenant Law way of life re-established at Sinai. This gave Israel three choices to live by. These three ways can be identified by their God and the eventual day of the Pagan, Planetary week to which each God would call His own. Established by Rome in the first century AD, The Enemy manifested the boundary for His religions to the world, just as YHWH was removing the knowledge of His boundary to the world, through the turn coat men of Judah during Jeremiah’s day.

Thus the three religions would break down like this:

The God known as Molech, Saturn, Kronos, Pan, originally called Satyr was identified by the eventual day of the Roman Planetary week called Saturn’s day or Saturday.

The God known as Baal, El, Beelzebub, originally called Marduk was identified by the eventual day of the Roman Planetary week called Sun’s day or Sunday.

And finally, The God known as YHWH, The Almighty, was identified by none of the fixed days established by Roman in the first century AD, but rather chose to remain esoteric and quite ambiguous down through time as He tested His true saints via the one great test commandment of true time keeping.

Remember Steven went to great lengths to begin his chastisement of the so called men of Judah beginning with The Golden Calf event at Sinai, before bringing the story full circle by quoting the words of the Prophet Amos in his condemnation of the murders of Christ. His knowledge of such things was well rooted in scripture. Let’s pick up the thread from before the Exodus, as YHWH himself makes a very positive statement concerning Israel, while condemning their past in Egypt.

“And they shall no more sacrifice their sacrifices unto The Satyrs (Goat Demons), after whom they go astray. This shall be a statute for ever unto them throughout their generations.” Leviticus 17:7

The context of the above passage is concerning the observance of Feast or Festivals within Israel, to which animal sacrifices was to be done. In other words, when Israel was to celebrate a Feast via what we today would call a good ole fashion bar-b-q, they were to do it to YHWH, and on His appointed times. Israel was no longer to celebrate such feast days to the goat demon, half man, half goat, history has known as Pan, as in RemPHAN, or the God Satyr on his appointed times.

Later, this religion would once again raise it’s ugly head, as the rise of civil war within the ranks of Israel gave opportunity for one side to once again choose this god Satyr.

After the Solomon’s rampant idolatry via the shrines and houses of worship he raised up in honor of his many wives, YHWH split Israel into two houses. The Southern House (Judah) remained faithful to YHWH appointments, priesthood and calendar, however, the Northern House (retaining the name of Israel), brought forth a brand new, yet very ancient, priesthood to which once again the main player was this god Satyr.

Notice this details of this new priesthood in the newly established ten tribes of Israel, apart from the faithful tribes of Judah and Benjamin:

“And the priests and the Levites who were in all Israel presented themselves to him from all places where they lived. For the Levites left their common lands and their holdings and came to Judah and Jerusalem, because Jeroboam and his sons cast them out from serving as priests of YHWH, and he appointed his own priests for the high places and for the Goat Demons (Satyr) and for the calves (the idol) that he had made. And those who had set their hearts to seek The Mighty One of Israel came after them from all the tribes of Israel to Jerusalem to sacrifice to YHWH, The Almighty of their fathers. They strengthened the kingdom of Judah, and for three years they made Rehoboam the son of Solomon secure, for they walked for three years in the way of David and Solomon.” 2Chonicles 11:13–17

Notice, the idol of the goat demon, Satyr, is the calf, as in the very same calf made at Sinai, while Moses was on the mountain for 40 days and nights. Critical thought should cause The Truth Seeker to begin to put the pieces of the puzzle together to start to see a trend within Israel gravitating to this ancient pagan god Satyr…. But there is more.

YHWH’s Prophet many years later, was moved to write the very thing Steven quoted from right before his death. Amos fully identifies this ancient practice of Satyr worship and how it was still a growing religion to the people of Israel.

YHWH states the following through Amos:

“I hate, I despise your feasts, and I take no delight in your solemn assemblies. Even though you offer me your burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them; and the peace offerings of your fattened animals, I will not look upon them. Take away from me the noise of your songs; to the melody of your harps I will not listen. But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. “Did you bring to me sacrifices and offerings during the forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel? You shall take up Sikkuth (Molech) your king, and Kiyyun (Remphan) your star-god — your images that you made for yourselves (while in the wilderness at Sinai), and I will send you into exile beyond Damascus,” says YHWH, whose name is the Mighty One of hosts.” Amos 5:21–27

The words, “and I will send you into exile beyond Damascus,” denotes the future of The Babylonian Exile that Judah would one day have to go through because Judah would also pick up the false worship of Baal and Molech.

Today, because most so called Truth Seekers, look to The Jews of Judaism for their foundational understanding of Covenant Law, the curse of SATYRn and Baal worship has once again delayed the Kingdom of YHWH. However, there is coming an outpouring of YHWH’s Spirit upon those who are ready to receive such refined knowledge, as delivered in this series of articles. It’s time to call a spade a spade and stop all the division among YHWH’s People.

Joey Thompson




Joey Thompson
Joey Thompson

Written by Joey Thompson

An ordained Elder in the ministry of YHWH, commissioned to restore truth at this end time. You can contact me via email at: joeythompson777@aol.com

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